My 8 year old is a totally different kid when I'm not around and I'm worried

@childofthecross You said your mom didn't partake in parenting and has let your brother get away with everything, but runs to tell you about your son? I'm smelling a bit of blame here, as if she's trying to pin something on your son. I only say that since you've mentioned she let's your brothers slide too much.
@childofthecross I work in a daycare and I've seen this sort of behaviour before. I've had perfectly fine children, who can be sassy at times and also know inappropriate things from their peers but also know to never say these things out loud. Good kids all around.

Cue the troubled child joining the daycare who has a lazy father that enjoys letting his kid watch inappropriate shows and doesn't monitor his internet usage. He comes into daycare swearing, pushing kids, yelling and talking about sex, drugs, violence and porn. These topics of course rouse the interest of the well-behaved children and they'll find themselves attracted to this other kid. They'll pick up his mannerisms and their behaviour starts to shift, becoming more physical with each other over disagreements, teaching even younger children this "forbidden knowledge" and finding it cool to swear when they're mad or upset.

It's a corrupting effect that is potent because of their age. Case and point, that boy leaves for two weeks and like day and night, these kids stop acting out as much and by the last day of this kids vacation, they're acting well-behaved as they once were.
@childofthecross I wouldn't assume he's like this all the time when you're not around. It sounds like this is the way your brother behaves and your son was probably just trying to fit in with his older cousin.
@childofthecross I think he merely adapts to the environment. When he is expected to behave, he does. When he is around your little brother, he will act like him because he thinks that’s what’s expected of him.

My son knew all the curse words at 8. He had learned them at school and from his much older cousins. However, he only used these words when every other kid in the group was using them. I would walk by and they would all shut up. None of the kids use racial slurs, though. That’s on a whole different level.

You kind of have to go nuclear on racial slurs to nip them in the bud. A kid uttered the N word at my son’s elementary school during lunch. Another kid promptly reported it to a teacher. A minute later, the principal herself marched the kid out of the cafeteria. She called assembly. She sent an email to all the parents about the incident. I bet that kid will never say this word again.
@childofthecross Lol where do you think he got it from? Your bro and maybe mum. Mostly bro.

Dont blame kid just remember that if he is left with such influences he may end as huge ass
@childofthecross Wow, sounds like your son had a wild adventure! Maybe he's just method acting for a future role as a rebellious teenager? 🤔 Just kidding, but seriously, kids can surprise us sometimes. Perhaps a talk with your son about appropriate language and behavior is in order.