My 3 yr son's teacher sent home this note, and it's crazy

@dylanrowe1 Your son is three. This is essentially a day care w someone who is not a teacher but calls her self one. Daycare ladies and caregiving peoples are usually the least educated out of the whole bunch… this isnt anything new. If shes nice and says nice things keep her around, if not …take him somewhere else.
@katrina2017 I work with people who have degrees who aren’t much better than this. I feel like this post is mean natured. Your kid is 3, they will do crafts, and learn the days of the week. No need to panic over a poorly written letter. Also, It’s possible English isn’t their first language.
@sarah_beloved There is no human language that does not use punctuation. I do agree with you that daycare mostly just needs to have kind people who will keep my kid alive and traumatize them as little as possible. But this letter does not provide much in the way of reassurance that her kid is in the hands of someone with very organized thoughts.
@benjaminchris Rest assured, this teacher won’t be the one teaching your child grammar. She clearly knows her alphabet, and I think that’s as far as your 3yo will get in their time with her. Yes. It’s not reassuring that she’s very well educated herself, but she’s still further advanced than your 3yo.

I have a family member who grew up in a religious cult (has since left the church), graduated high school and 1 or 2 years of bible college through her church’s school, and she’s on par with this teacher for spelling/grammar, but I’d still trust her to teach my kids the absolute basics.
@katrina2017 yeah, some daycares will hire you if you just have experience with kids. this is coming from someone who was hired at a daycare, and i dont even have a high school diploma, just a lot of experience in childcare. not that its a bad thing perse, but it can lead to hiring the wrong people if youre not careful.
@dylanrowe1 It seems like aside from the letter, maybe your expectations don’t align with the daycare. Some places are more structured, less free play, more into teaching. Many are not very structured beyond a bit of abc, basic shapes etc.
I think you need to decide what type of place you want for your son & that might mean you need to switch him to someplace else.
@dylanrowe1 I will tell you as a preschool teacher, unless the school touts “only hiring educators with a degree in child-something-or-other” they are just picking random people off the street that just need to pass a background check. Sorry but you may be paying for a daycare, not a school.

Edit: Usually the schools with real educators are Montessori schools, at least in my area. But dont get caught in the trap of thinking an expensive tuition means youre getting a good school.
@dylanrowe1 I'm going to make an educated guess and assume you're living in a rural/country area. This seems like something I would get out here in WV.

I would take my kid out of the school. This woman submitted a resume. Probably sent a few emails. And they accepted it. You're not crazy to expect a school to have literate people there to teach your children. If you can change to another school, I'd ask for your trip money back and bounce. Worst they can do is say no.
@dylanrowe1 To the people saying “it’s just daycare” or that they’re just taking care of small kids and it doesn’t matter…

Is this person competent enough to fill the basic care giver role? Like if I had to pick someone capable of calling 911 or getting the kids out if there is a fire…I’m choosing the one who can separate sentences with a period over the one who can not.

Can they tie their own shoes?
@dylanrowe1 Oh wow, yeah that's bad. Side note: I taught my daughter about punctuation when she was 3 almost 4. Also, who does hunting as a theme? Here's a dead rabbit for show n tell.
@dylanrowe1 My son went to a daycare/preschool that would send home notes like this. He ended up having 7 different teachers because they would up and leave. I pulled him from one class after one teacher threatened to throw spiders on tkids kds and hit them with rulers. He finally got a decent teacher after that. One of my biggest regrets is not pulling him from the school because we had already paid. Don't be like me.
@dylanrowe1 I work in ECE and this is not professional! I would have my concerns as well. I would take this note to the director and express your concerns. Also inform them about the teacher you have had a good experience with. I can understand asking for the shirts (I’ve asked for mess shirts before as well) but asking for classroom supplies should go through the director, not parents.