More kids and more hours— help!


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I have three sons— oldest is 3.5, and 3 months ago I had a set of identical twins. The twins obviously take up a lot of my time during the day. I’m (almost) exclusively breastfeeding, and they aren’t on a schedule right now.

My husband is starting a new job next month that will add to his time away from home. He may come home late frequently, meaning I’ll have the bedtime routine solo w the twins in the other room. And, since the arrival of the twins, my oldest son’s main rebellion is to skip his nap— he’s often over-tired and my days quite literally have no “break.”

Despite all this, I’m recklessly optimistic that I can do this! Some days I have help for a few hours, and I enjoy my time with the kids as a general rule.

Here’s what I’m looking for: alllllll the hacks, tricks & tips for keeping a 3.5 yo busy while you’re busy yourself. Anyone have a trick for naps? Juggling multiple children? Playing while your hands are (literally) full? I don’t have many mom friends and I’m looking for serious advice of any stripe. I’m trying to avoid tv but I admit it’s been my default when the house gets too stressful— I’d love to cut it out again. I’m interested in hearing from anyone’s experiences!
@angel222 I had an 18 month old when I had twins. I definitely recommend calling someone over if you can to help out even for a few hours. My MIL came over from 9 to 3, and she’d make lunch, throw a load of laundry in and get my daughter down for her nap. Also, just to nap & shower. Once I got a hold on things a bit better, I felt more confident. I remember having a basket of the things I needed nearby, and I went and got crafts from the dollar tree. Play doh, stickers, slime, wipe and erase books are absolutely wonderful for occupying a toddler. I also had mine help. She’d help hand diapers, toss them, blankets and such. Also just baking is amazing. I’d grab easy cake mixes, cookies that I could just have my toddler toss on a pan & throw in the oven, brownie mixes and such. Having a toddler & two babies is hard! To entertain my babies, bouncy chairs and music helped a ton. It took forever to get a routine down because TWO babies! Going for walks feels amazing. I used a double stroller with a baby carrier forever and then I got the Zoe Triple Stroller (completely recommend!) and I would take mine to the park, walk around stores. Car rides were a savior since all three loved them and would sleep. Having two babies and a toddler was my toughest time. I wish I could have asked for help more often because I needed it. I needed more rest, more time alone. Good luck!
@allyoftherain came here to say almost exactly this. it was the hardest year of my life, hands down. get help if you need it, even if it's just an hour.

we threw the ipad at my older daughter to survive the evening twin routine. getting the twins into an easy nighttime routine is clutch: bottle, burp, kisses, crib, lights out. i did not do that with my oldest and at 5 she's still the hardest bedtime, but the twins are out like lights within minutes of goodnight kisses.

also, earplugs.

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