Mixing formula of different ages?


New member
Hello, we are combo-feeding our son which means that a box of formula lasts us at least 3-4 weeks. My son will soon turn 6 months and we can begin to give him "number 2" formula for 6 months+ babies.

Now, I still have an unopened "number 1" formula that will probably last until he is 7 months. Can I mix the "number 1" formula with "number 2", so it doesn't go to waste? Or should I first use the remaining box and then use the 6 months+ formula?

I am a bit concerned that he still might be hungry afterwards because "number 1" is less filling.

Edit to add: I mean mixing in the bottle (I.e. 4 spoons "number 1" and 2 spoons "number 2", not the boxes.
@raihan12 I would finish one then start the other if you want to switch to stage 2 formula.

I wouldn’t worry about your little one not getting full. Infant (Stage 1) formula is made to meet the nutritional needs of babies up until 12 months. The main (and often only) difference is that Stage 2 formula often contains even more iron but there’s no real need for it because 1. First stage formula already contains the right amount of iron and 2. Baby should be getting some additional iron from solids now. Excessive iron often constipates babies as well and can be hard on their tummy. Generally the different formula stages are more of a gimmick than anything and it’s not necessary to switch if your baby is doing well on their current formula.
@raihan12 I would think it’s okay to continue using stage one for a little while after baby turns 6 months. In Canada, stage 1 formula goes up to 12months.

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