Mind f@&k


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Does anyone else randomly just think about how weird it is that there is a BABY HUMAN growing inside of me??!! Yes it’s amazing but how strange to think about. Our bodies are just able to create life

Side note I’m 23 weeks just starting to show and feel him all the time. Freaks me out but in a good way.
@katrina2017 Same conversation I had at work the other week. Why did we not evolve to lay eggs or something else?! How is this normal! And if we don't create a child who feeds ofd of us in and out of the womb we bleed for a week. How is that normal?
@ellenaus Yup, its crazy. I found it almost as unbelievable after my first, that I couldn't even believe that she had come out of me...like I grew You? You were literally inside me? It's crazy because you can see how big they are and how much they move and it's ridiculous to think they were ever in there.
@ellenaus Always. The part that gets me is we create structures for these little beings that we can’t even regenerate for ourselves. Like how cool and weird is that?!?!
@velvety777 Woah, I didn't even think about that. How can we grow a kidney (along with everything else) for this tiny person but can't grow our own kidney if we need a replacement? Weirdddddd.
@hazeloak I guess the way that I think about this concept is we can create the placenta, a whole other organ, but we’re not creating our child’s kidneys, they are. We are simply providing the ideal environment for that creation to flourish.
@joshuadaryl Something that I am wondering is how weird it will be to no longer have her inside me and no longer feel her inside after almost a year. And she will be on the outside! And I’ll see her face and shit
@ellenaus During one conversation with my sister-in-law, I told her "It's bizarre to think the I am the universe." - referencing how weird it is to be a sentient creature's first environment.