Measuring 6+5 when I should be 7+4


New member
I went for an early scan today as I had a blighted ovum mmc last year which wasn't picked up until my dating scan at 13 weeks.

I am pretty certain of my dates. LMP was 2nd July and I got a fairly clear test line on CD 28 which was, I thought, about 14dpo. When I was 5+1 I took one of the clearblue digital dating tests which put me at 3+ weeks pregnant (they measure from ovulation so you have to then add the other 2 weeks on) - confirming what I thought was my dates.

The scan today showed a sac, yolk and fetal pole all in the right place and looking fine, but measuring a whole 6 days less than I thought. There was maybe a tiny heartbeat flicker, but the technician didn't sound too sure. It was only a external scan as this place didn't have the capability to do internal ones, which may have shown more.

I know it's perfectly 'normal' for people to get dates wrong, but I'm not convinced I have which means I'm questioning whether I'm going to go back in 2 weeks and see no change...

Has anyone had the same and it be ok?
@healingacts It could definitely be due to them only doing an external scan. I measured 5 days behind at my dating scan and so far baby has kept to those dates. Not necessarily a bad thing, our bodies don't keep to exact schedules! You could always return and request an internal scan at a different provider which would definitely be more accurate at this point.
@healingacts I measured 10 days behind at the 9 week mark (my first U/S) because the tech couldn’t get a good read on the baby. At 12 weeks, the baby was measuring right at 12 weeks. So it could definitely be that the measurements are off, especially because they could only do an external.
@healingacts I had a scan at what should have been 8+2, and measured 7+5, so a whole 5 days behind. This was even after taking into account I had longer cycles than 28 days, quite often 33-36 day cycles.
Now 27 weeks and at our most recent scan baby is measuring 2 weeks bigger than he should so I really wouldn't worry too much at this point (easier said than done I know)

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