me and my bf (both 16M) are going to introduce ourselves to his parents


New member
Well, my bf already came out to his parents and they're okay with it, however they're a bit annoyed w the idea of him dating someone yet (not dating, but getting physical while dating). We did some sketchy stuff and were caught (not really serious stuff but yeah) and his parents got to know about the incident and were really raging on him. How do I convince them we won't land up in any trouble ever again and to let us continue dating ? (P.S. I'm not out to my parents yet)
@jojosan It’s on him to gain back his parents trust. And that takes time and baby steps. Not sure what your title means, but don’t do something like going to them together for some big reveal. It won’t go well if you put them on the spot. They need time to process it, so he needs to be alone when he tells them, and only after they are ok with it he should introduce you.
@jojosan I would recommend not making a big deal out of this. If you guys put them on the spot, they may not take it well.

In addition, if you're not out to your parents for safety reason, I would advise against this because they may tell your parents.

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