Low Sperm Volume and Results - First Sample


New member
Hi all,

My partner was asked to do a sperm analysis, before we begin treatment for TTC. I have already been diagnosed with PCOS, and I’m currently on metformin until we get my partner’s results.

My doctor said that the first sperm result may be low so not to be too concerned, however, we got my partners results back and they are much worse than we anticipated.

His results were:

Time between production and analysis: 41 mins
Abstinence: 6 days
Appearance: normal
Viscosity: normal
Liquefaction: normal
pH: 8.1 (normal is stated as >7.2)
Volume: 0.8ml (normal is stated as >1.4ml)
Round cells: 0.9 (normal is stated as )
Total Sperm: 0.65 million (normal is stated as 39 million >)
Moving fast: 33%
Moving slow: 2% (total of both is normal if above 30%>)
Non moving: 65%
Morphology: 1% (>4% is normal)
Agglutination: 3.0
MAR Test: Negative
Comments: Oligoteratozoospermic (count and morphology both < Ref)
Additional comments: the volume of the sample was below the reference value of 1.4ml which may have affected the results

We were both quite surprised especially as we had sex the day after his appointment, and (TMI) he ejaculated a huge amount, more than we had ever had before.

We will be trying to rebook another appointment, but has anyone else had a similar experience?
@blessingabout I suggest repeating the sample as well. My husband had a low volume first semen analysis (I think it was also 0.8mL) and he said he didn’t feel that it was a normal ejaculate for him. There were no sperm seen in that sample, which was a shock. Two weeks later he had another semen analysis with all parameters normal. Good luck.
@ronss We had the same exact thing happen to us! My husband's second SA also came back completely fine after a first SA showing zero sperm and very low volume ejaculate. Glad to know it wasn't just us!!
@blessingabout My husbands first sample was considered MFI with a 5 day abstinence period and has been normal with both of our IUIs with 2-3 days of abstinence. Try repeating the sample with a shorter abstinence period. 6 days may be too long for the quality of the specimen
@blessingabout My partner and I went through something similar. The doctor prescribed coq10 and asked him to repeat the test in a month. My partner also avoided hot showers and working with his laptop on his lap. The results were sooo much better the second time.

I've read that the first SA is usually not a good barometer. My partner was super stressed the first time, so that could have been a factor too.

Staying hydrated helps too. Good luck!
@nnasino This is interesting to hear because I feel like I’ve seen someone post a study on here that shows that the first SA is actually is a pretty good marker for prognosis despite what subsequent SAs show. This is definitely barring something seriously went wrong with the first one. I think it was /@dani0512-cherry who has posted this study.