Low HCG 17 dpo - 707 IU/L

@csf Respectfully...your nurses are just wrong. That's much much higher than my number was at 17dpo. Mine was 371. I'm 10 weeks today. Most doctors like to see above 100 at 14dpo.
@csf Your nurses are morons, sorry not sorry.

My hcg was at 512 at 17dpo. I am now 25+3 with a perfectly healthy little girl who is currently kicking the crap out of me.
@csf Had you gotten a previous hcg? Maybe she was saying it was lower than should be based on a previous reading like if it had not doubled as expected. Otherwise, the reading itself seems totally fine and normal.
@csf That’s so weird. Honestly, nurses have given me wrong info on many occasions (and scarily often sound really confident about the wrong info) so I usually ask if I can get more info from my Dr when there’s confusion. I would see if you can talk to your Dr for more info.
@csf Hi Op!

My doctor freaked me out too. I was told a different number than you. I was told I should be at 500hcg at 4 weeks and I was only at 268hcg. Ive gone for blood tests every week since (im 7 weeks now) and my little Bean has been growing amazingly.

I know how hard it can be to hear that you aren't where they think you should be, I literally sobbed at my desk at work thinking I was about to lose another baby. It was horrible. However, from looking online and going for further testing to see how the hcg is doubling/times, I was able to see that I was doing just fine.

Unfortunately it looks like every Drs office or lab has a different and not so great chart. We're all so different, it's really hard to compare most of the time.

Wishing you and your little baby the best!
@manuf999in Got my follow-up HCG today, it was 2112 IU/L, so I’m feeling some relief. Still a bit upset after what the nurse said but more confident now.
@manuf999in This sounds exactly like what I’m dealing with! I so appreciate you sharing this. I have my follow up HCG today so hopefully it comes close to doubling.
@csf She couldn't be more wrong. That's a great hcg. 12dp5dt (in ivf.. which is 17dpo equivalent) my hcg was 202. I'm almost 10w. Even with twins, my 17dpo hcg was 409. My hcg didn't get over 1000 with my current singleton until I was just over 5w.
@csf My number was 773 at that dpo, and I was told that this was in the higher end of normal by my RE. Your nurses aren't correct. Do not worry about your number!
@csf Mine was 737 at 16 DPO and I was told it was quite high. Many women have HCG levels in the lower hundreds at that point. Not sure why she said your level was low - seems totally normal to me 🤷‍♀️
@csf I was 242 at 16 dpo. I was 5990 by 23 dpo (haven’t had any betas since) and so far everything looks good. I’d say your numbers are perfectly fine ❤️
@csf 707 is a great number for 17 DPO! Mine was 526 at 16 DPO 1122 at 18 DPO, so I’d assume it was probably around the 700s at 17 DPO. I’m positive I was 17 DPO because we did an IUI with trigger shot. My RE was super happy with those numbers and I’m now 30 weeks.