Looks like it’s finally happening!


New member
Wife in week 40+5 got admitted to hospital yesterday, no contractions, no waters broke. Finally this morning the contractions started (every 7 minutes) but this haven’t changed for last 7 hrs. Now she have been moved to pre-labour ward where I can’t be with her, I’ll be able to join when labour will start. She’s having this foley-thing inside that causes a lot of pain.

I’m sitting outside the hospital and no idea what to do with myself.
@needmyangel I can’t say I have any idea what you’re going through. My wife is at 14 weeks. Sounds very stressful and tough especially due to you not being able to see her. Hang in there man I’m sure it will all work out ok!
@needmyangel She will be okay! That foley will move things along and hopefully you will be with her soon (if you aren’t already). My husband felt the same way seeing me in pain for so long.

You got this! SHE’S GOT THIS!!!!!!