Leaks started suddenly with Esembly?


New member
Hello all.

I am a FTM to 4 month old (3 months adjusted) identical twin girls. We have been using esembly exclusively since they got home from the NICU 3 months ago and we have absolutely loved them.

However, suddenly about a week ago, our slightly bigger baby “P” started springing a leak constantly. Her smaller sister “V” hasn’t had a single leak.

We use the stay dry liners all the time and also use overnighters for their long sleep. (And while we are very, very, very lucky because their long sleep is loooooooong—12 hours a night—that does mean a guaranteed leak from P every night.) And now P is even leaking during the day after a couple hours. I just had to change everything after a brief nap where she soaked through the diaper, her sleeper, AND the Halo sleep sack.

Has anyone dealt with this? It’s so strange because it’s almost like we have an experiment running with V as the control group and P as the experimental. Why is our one baby always leaking? Would adding a pre-fold into the mix help?
@mwj Sounds like one baby pees a greater volume. Does she nurse more, take bigger bottles, gain weight faster, pee less often, etc.? Every baby is different.

I would add a doubler. I have the GMD hemp doublers, but anything will do. An added prefold would work if it's small enough (newborn or preemie size). I agree with the other poster that sometimes leaks mean it's time to size up.
@katrina2017 Thanks for your response. After a few days of experimenting we decided to size up and that has been successful. But I had never heard of a doubler before so I’ll look into it.

Thanks again!
@mwj So I have used esembly with my baby since he was about 8 weeks and we've only had consistent leaks twice. The first was when I first started trying them and he was too small. The second was when it was time to size up. He would consistently leak every nap. I tried adding the extra liners for more absorbency, but it didn't end until we sized up. If I remember correctly, we had to size up before the prescribed weight limits, and never used the outermost snaps.
@dinokid Do you know their weight when too small and leaking? I’m currently experiencing leaks on my 3 week old, but he’s 10lbs so I didn’t think it was his weight…
@han_solo Yeah! So I think my kiddo was about 8 lbs when he was three weeks. I remember he also had skinny little legs when we first started and I just could never get the cover and diaper tight enough to contain anything. I think the shape of their bodies when they're that little can contribute to the leak issue (but also I've only done this once with just my kid, so don't quote me).

It might be worth it to make a post and have the group as a whole help you troubleshoot. There could be fit issues, and compression leaks are a thing. There's a real wealth of knowledge here to tap into.
@mwj Not sure about esembly but I use pockets.

What’s your wash routine? Is she leaking only during naps/sleep? Have you ever tried wool covers for those times because that’s what keeps my heavy wetter dry.

With twins do they each have their own set that they use or do you interchange them? Are the ones that leak on P not leaking on V? Maybe it’s a fit issue?

Sorry to throw so much out at you but I’m just trying to brainstorm.
@aspecialperson The esembly detergent is fantastic. It’s actually turns out to be more cost effective per load than Tide Free & Clear (my own calculation) and works wonderfully if you follow the instructions on the back of the bag. Lots of enzymes in it to get the diapers really clean. Some detergents have ingredients that occlude the diapers too.

To me it just sounds like your baby is a heavier wetter. On the esembly Instagram page they posted on their Q + A highlights a resolution for heavy wetters called the “lasagna” method. Placing two of their overnight soakers inside the fitted diaper and another on the outside of the fitted diaper before putting the cover on. I hope that helps! I love esembly!

To add: it might be time to size up to Size 2! They have a new “pre-loved” sales area where you can sell your Size 1’s to save some money.