Just venting...2nd baby incoming in 2 weeks and I'm hitting my patience limit with toddler :(


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So my SO and I haven't slept well for almost a year lol. Slept trained our toddler and things were going great, molars came and f'ed it all up. Her crib is just glorified storage at this point after months of coaxing and wakings and ugh just trying to keep her in her bed while making it a lovely corner spot in our room lol. Then waifu got pregnant and L.O never slept in bed again since give or take a few days 🫨. Past few weeks have been rougher. Got a new mattress for us since our backs were breaking and used old one as a trial bed for L.O (sacrificing the floor of our room in the process) kinda worked but now it's for abuela when she visits. My daughter finally sleeping well (either with us or with MIL) now that she's here, but idk. I feel like a toddler punching bag haha. I've always been the routine setter, cycle breaking, patient parent out of the bunch, but more recently I'm met with vitriol, rage, and lots and lots of hitting. I've never laid a hand in her, nor do I intend to, but I've found myself raising my voice.... Think how a lifeguard yells, "WALK!" Used to be one so I can tell without any emotion attached to it. Now I have done that about 5x and I'm ashamed of myself. Never thought I'd yell at her to stop crying, or stop screaming, or stop like anything bc she's a freaking toddler man. Idk but the other day after a weekend of bday celebrations (turned 3) she came at my with a big bag of mag blocks and went to hit my face bc u was trying to feed her sopa (soup) and she obviously disagreed...I blocked it and tossed it to side and gently put my hand on her chest (think John wick fights toddler). I said, please stop hitting me, and she lost it. Probably more scared at my reaction than anything but then wouldn't have anything to do with me and just kept screaming "NO!" Anytime I spoke. Things like that have been happening and I just don't know why. My wife swears I did something, but my MIL now sees it and is confused too. Sorry it's a lot!