Just started pumping on top of feeding. Baby and I are so tired


New member
Had our 2 week weight check a couple days ago and baby’s still not back up to birth weight. Our pediatrician said he’s not worried, as she is gaining weight and having plenty of dirty diapers, it’s just not as quick of weight gain. He did suggest to start pumping after her first two morning feeds to help me build up a stash and increase my supply. I was already planning to do so once baby was 1 month old, and still don’t want to give the bottle w/ my milk before then, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to do what I can to make more food for my baby.

So yesterday and today I pumped right after baby’s two morning feeds. Both days I got an extra 40mL total when pumping to “empty” (I can always hand express more, but can’t always get more with the pump.)

That extra pumping has made me so exhausted though. Baby sleeps great during the night, and I usually manage about 6-7 hours non-consecutively. But pumping takes it out of me. I hate how it feels. My baby never makes my nipples sore or painful or distended, but the pump does. Plus it’s just more time and mental energy to schedule the pump session.

Baby is also crankier today and always crying, which hasn’t happened yet, so in my mind the two are linked, but that may not be the case.
@trumpetsounds If your baby isn’t back to birth weight I’m a surprised you’ve not been advised to top up with some of that milk to baby. You don’t have to use a bottle but sippy cups and syringes are also used. Unless you have a supply issue pumping to feed the freezer at 2 weeks isn’t really helping anyone. The goal should be getting more milk in baby first. Do you have anyone you can get a second opinion from?

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