Just found out I’m 2-3 weeks pregnant

@hopefulchristiana I'm in a similar boat. I'm (33) 8 weeks pregnant with my first, and pregnancy has been extremely hard, and I'm struggling to imagine 32 more weeks of this. I'm not worried at all about actually being a mom, this pregnancy was planned, and my husband and I are definitely ready for the responsibility.

I couldn't even imagine I'd been feeling as awful as I am now. No one talks about some of the worst symptoms or prepares you at all for how emotionally difficult pregnancy can be. I know everyone's pregnancy is different, so hopefully you have a much easier time than me.
@hopefulchristiana Congratulations!

Nobody can tell you what to expect unfortunately!! Every pregnancy is so so different.

My first 2 I had no problems working, even with severe sickness symptoms. I finished at 30 weeks with my first (my waters went early and I was admitted to hospital, stayed there for nearly 8 weeks in the end). I finished at 36 weeks with my 2nd, again early delivery! Both of these I could have worked until at least 37 weeks I think, if they hadn't come early.

This is my 3rd (I'm 38 now), and I have struggled. Work has been touch and go, my final year of uni is absolutely dire, and I was on partial bed rest for a few weeks.

The hardest parts for me is always the morning sickness. I tend to have sickness throughout, even into the third trimester. And the tiredness and brain fog this time has been horrendous.

I've been really lucky that work has been really great with me having to take some time. I would let someone know as soon as possible, so that any support you need is there.
@hopefulchristiana I feel the same way! I’m 33, also my first time being pregnant. People keep asking me if I am scared for having a baby but I’m not scared for that, I’m scared about pregnancy and childbirth.

I am 7 weeks 3 days and so far I have nausea, food aversions, my sense of smell has skyrocketed, and occasional cramping.

The thing that gives me the most anxiety is when I have symptoms for a few days and then one day I will wake up feeling totally normal with no symptoms at all. Those days I kind of freak out a little but with some research, I found out that everyone is so different, you never know what you’re going to feel so I’m trying not to focus on a lack of symptoms.

As far as work goes, so far I am doing well with work, my managers are very understanding and some of my coworkers are very supportive as well so that makes it easier when I’m feeling bad at work to just go and take a minute to rest and reset. I can say that I am exhausted after a day of work, I work in retail so I’m up on my feet for 7.5 hrs a day at least, my legs start hurting a lot after 3 hours of standing so that is something to adjust to and soon I will be asking my doctor for a chair accommodation so I can rest between customers.

When I get home, I elevate my feet and sometimes do a lavender epsom salt foot bath if it was a really bad day. That helps a lot!
@hopefulchristiana Congrats! Honestly, no one can truly tell you what to expect because everyone is different. I know some moms that were throwing up every day multiple times a day and some moms who didn’t feel a thing. I was in the middle, always sick but rarely throwing up and dropped a good 10+ pounds first trimester. Best recommendation I can give you is to download some apps like The Bump or Ovia or Pregnancy Center and they can give you possible symptoms you may or may not feel and also give you a heads up about stuff. Also, make that appointment with an OB like yesterday, and start taking a prenatal. Hope this helps!
@hopefulchristiana Depends on the person, depends on the pregnancy.

My first pregnancy was pretty easy overall. I had strong fatigue in the first trimester and my sense of smell was insane. But I didn’t really have morning sickness. Some cramping is also normal. Second trimester was such a breeze. I felt normal and not at all pregnant. Third trimester, I had heartburn and big belly which made movement uneasy. But yeah the pregnancy overall was pretty ideal.

I’m on my second pregnancy and I’m 14 weeks in. Starting around week 4, I started to become nauseous. It only went away about 2 weeks ago. I was throwing up and unable to stand up most of the day because it was so bad. However, I haven’t had the extreme fatigue like the first pregnancy.

Point is, symptoms can definitely vary! Ask your OB at your appointment. I’m sure they will provide pamphlets and whatnot.

PS: I had my first at 30, and I’ll be 32 in a week so similar to you in age :).

Also in the meantime, avoid smoking, drinking, double check on safety with medications, do not change cat litter if you have one, start taking prenatals, double check skincare products if they’re safe.

Good luck!
@hopefulchristiana When I think of all the symptoms I might encounter I get overwhelmed so I’ve been trying to take it day by day. Yesterday my nausea and fatigue were so so bad and I just kind of was a lump on the couch. Today my symptoms were kind of bad in the morning but now I feel okay so I’m going to get some cleaning done while I feel good.
Just do the best you can when you can and allow yourself to rest when you need to. On days you have to work, allow yourself to take breaks when you can (if you can). My job doesn’t allow for many breaks but I definitely take advantage of downtime when I can. When I get home from work, if I’m too tired, I allow myself to just do the bare minimum.
It’s just something you’re going to have to figure out as you go.
@hopefulchristiana I had my first 3 months ago. I’m 21. I was terrified my first trimester I was SUPER sleepy. But I had an easy pregnancy. No cravings besides Costco pizza haha no morning sickness. My third trimester I had back pain like crazy and leg pain since I was carrying my huge belly. I didn’t even show until 7 months honestly. I worked the whole pregnancy until the last week. I went all the way to 41 weeks and they were going to induce me, funny enough my little girl started to come the night before and I gave birth the day I was induced! 16-24 hours of labor for me with an epidural. I got to 3cm? And the pain was unbearable and I got that epidural. I was really scared of the epidural at first because I’m afraid of needles and my mom kept scaring me unnecessarily but it really does just feel like a bee sting. They broke my water for me and I had slight issues but overall I’d do it all over again as i want another kid now haha. But don’t worry too much, pregnancy is different for everyone so you could have a rough ride or glide through it like me. Either way just try to enjoy it and not stress too much mama. You’ll do great!❤️
@hopefulchristiana Not everyone has a terrible pregnancy. I’ll be 29 weeks in one day. My nipples were crazy sore for the whole first trimester then settled way down in the second trimester… that was my worst symptom and as long as they weren’t bothered, it wasn’t that bad. In the first trimester I had about four instances where I puked bile when I first woke up because my stomach was EMPTY empty. I learned to eat a bunch of protein with my dinner right before bed and I’d wake up just fine. I always carried snacks with me so I didn’t have a chance to get an empty stomach. I had one weekend of nausea and just had a couple nausea candy drops and was fine. I also experienced some round ligament pain, but it went away within the first trimester. Towards the end of the second trimester I had less than two days where I had a little heartburn. Now that my belly is “all baby,” I find it harder to get out of bed, roll over when I’m sleeping, or get up from low chairs/seating. All things considering, I feel like I got really lucky with symptoms. I’ve been pretty comfortable the whole time. I’ve loved being able to experience all the new changes that have happened with my body. I’m 35 and my birthday is 11 days before my baby’s due date. First time being pregnant. I feel guilty telling people I’m doing great when they ask, as I feel like it’s not the norm. I’ve been told nothing but horror stories by all the women around me except for one who simply said “I loved being pregnant too.” I’d say expect the worse so you aren’t blindsided and don’t be afraid to tell your doctor when you think you need help managing symptoms or if you think something is abnormal. Don’t let your stomach get empty… not just for nausea, but for the hangries and energy levels too. You WILL have moments of exhaustion so just go with it and sleep when you need to. Don’t let yourself feel guilty and for sure don’t let anyone else make you feel guilty for it. You’re growing a HUMAN and a whole extra organ. Don’t feel guilty about eating fast food or five bowls of cereal or tv dinners here and there during the exhaustion spells. Don’t worry about making dinner for anyone else or doing household chores if you simply just can’t. Take your prenatals and avoid certain meds, drugs, alcohol, and excessive caffeine. I’m a preschool teacher and have worked throughout my pregnancy and plan to work right up until I pop. It can be manageable, so don’t be scared. See what your body will do and how it’ll react and go from there. Don’t push yourself. Drink lots of water and just embrace all the pee breaks. It’ll be your norm for the next 9 months. Congratulations!!!!!
@hopefulchristiana Congratulations! It's absolutely not mandatory to feel like trash during pregnancy :) I'm halfway through, and the only symptom I have is more frequent urination. Even the bump isn't really there yet. I never had any nausea at all, not even the slightest hint!
@hopefulchristiana You will be ok! I am also 32 and also in my first pregnancy. I’m 36 weeks. I had some nausea weeks 6-10. No actual getting sick. It felt like if you are a breakfast person and you’re awake for several hours without eating breakfast and your stomach starts to really hurt and then it hurts so bad that you don’t want to eat even though you need to eat. What helped: eating snacks frequently. Ginger drops and preggy drops (Amazon). I had many food aversions in the first trimester. I only like eating breakfast foods, so I had lots of eggs, cereal, protein waffles, etc. PB&J was also great.
Week 10 I started feeling amazing all the way until week 29 and then I got some pelvic pain after sitting too long or working out too hard. I do orange theory and was still sprinting on the treadmill. I switched to power walking at 29 weeks and that really helped.
Going to the chiropractor once or twice a week for adjustments really helps me feel better (my pelvis and back).
Honestly pregnancy has been pretty great!
I recommend the boppy pregnancy pillow. It is amazing! I first tried the baby bub and it didn’t do it for me.
@hopefulchristiana I felt the same way and still feel the same way at 8w. All I can say is that you should try not to stress too much over what to expect since symptoms are different for everyone. Each day has been a little different for me so if I have a bad day then it's likely it won't stay that way for long. Prep yourself some Unisom and B6 tablets if you're worried about morning sickness. Just take each day as it comes.