Just a gentle reminder…


New member
I know we are all proud parents who think our children hung the moon, but a gentle reminder that this is not a private nor vetted subreddit. It’s your prerogative, of course, but please think carefully before posting pictures or videos of your child’s face online. This sub has over 200,000 members, r/mommit has upward of 700,000, and r/parenting has over 5 million members, just for reference. And these groups can be accessed by anyone with or without a Reddit account. Reddit has approximately 50 million daily active users.

Private subs or babybumper groups might be more suited and safer for personal and identifying photos of your child. There is usually a subreddit for every babybump month/year that you can join by messaging the mods of that group.

I say all this in the name of safety and caring for our children.
@downdraft My daughter is the cutest and sweetest little thing on the planet and y'all will never see a picture of her because you just can't trust the internet. So you will have to take my word for it.

I remember the 90s when people had websites for their families and everything seemed so much nicer online. I miss those days.
@katrina2017 started fostering about a year ago and we're not allowed to post any photos of the children online(for obvious reasons) but my wife and I decided to continue that with our own daughter who is on the way
@katrina2017 Same. It kills me sometimes not to share her pictures with anyone online, but it’s for her safety and autonomy. SHE can chose how much of her images make it online when she’s old enough to make that decision.
@pushkin Same! I started an email newsletter that I send out to family and friends so I can share how cute my son is (without feeling like I’m annoying people spamming them with pictures). It’s like social media but extra extra private.
@hopeandgrace I told people (and include a little blurb at the top of every email) if you share the photos you’ll get removed from the emails and not get any more and a little note telling them to ask us if they want to share anything (I’m fine with just having his face covered as long as he’s fully dressed). So far that’s worked and people have even asked if it’s okay to show certain people in their lives as long as they don’t send or post them.

So far everyone has been respectful of it. Hopefully that doesn’t wear of as he gets bigger 🤞🏻
@katrina2017 I struggle so hard w this. My boys are so stinkin cute I want to show them off. But I have zero trust in strangers on the internet so I don’t post their pictures anywhere
@worshipgirl0410 It's way too easy for photos of children to land up in peado sites. That's my big reason for no photos. I've heard not seen that these sexual predators manipulate the photos to make them "sexy" and then sell them.
Also predators can find out all sorts of things from an image these days including location which is so so scary!

My partner talks about putting our LO into baby modelling and this is a big no for me because of the digital manipulation side of things. No way I want anyone jacking off to my baby!
@hohope95 FYI you can set your phone to not record location for photos, or you can also remove the location data (Google photos has an option to do so, I'm sure other apps do as well).
@roxyat4896 We bought my parents and in laws the photo album that you can upload photos and videos directly too. I’m sure it’s not the most secure thing in the world but it’s better than posting them online or having to send a million photos a week