James Anthony - birth story and background


New member
Ok, so a bit of background for our newer members: I'm 30, mother to a six year old girl, and suffered one early miscarriage before James entered the picture. I really had a huge scare at 8 weeks with loss of symptoms and gushes of red blood. They couldn't find a reason, things went back to normal. I also took one early trip to L&D at 31 weeks for monitoring due to lots of braxton hicks, luckily they stopped and it was suspected to be due to stress. So.... after a month of early/prodromal labor, we decided to induce 5 days before his due date because of the repeat discomfort. Enter to yesterday:

Admitted to L&D at 8am. Dilated to a 3, but could be stretched to a 4. 60% effaced, baby at -3. Pitocin was started at ten. My ob did not want me walking because of monitors, blah. Awesome nurse (Mary) helped me sneak up and about after we would get a good strip to help things move. She helped me with positions, and was SO encouraging. I requested no stadol or epidural, and was actually laughing and chatting even at 5cm dilated, just then starting to breath through contractions, sway, and focus as baby was now at -2, and I was 90% effaced at 6pm.

Enter my ob. He watched me have three contractions, and was concerned that baby's heart rate was dropping during the contraction. At this point, I was swaying forward and down, husband giving me counter pressure on my back and hips, and when I would bend forward the monitor would slip. Ugh. Ob ordered my water broken just to make sure, and place an internal monitor. Holy shit owww once the cushion went away.

Shit got real, and fast. Started vocalizing bad and was trying everything to keep it together. I missed Mary - her shift was over and my new nurse was nice, but very all over the place. Internal monitor showed baby doing great, just minor deceleration with decent. I couldn't handle it any more and asked to be checked. If I made enough progress, ok. If not l was going to ask for an epidural, even though it only worked on half of my body with my daughter. Aiiieeee.

So they check, and I'm now at a 6, baby dropped to -2 still. Ok. Epidural. They came in 10 minutes later and set up. They asked I be checked again as my vocalizations had intensified more. Now at a 7. Ok go epi go epi! So I get in position and holy hell it HURT. Epidural was prepped and placed, drugs going in through three contractions. One more contraction to see how it worked - left side was totally numb, right side still hurt but less. Wow. Resident asked to check me again and holy shit I'm at a 9.5. Totally dilated on my left, just a lip on the right. Baby now at 0. Ladies, I transitioned while having the epidural placed. Good God. Anyway, laid on the right to make the epi work and get rid of the lip.

Heat pack on the spot that wasn't numb, and a weird inflatable ball dubbed "Mr. Peanut" in between my legs to open my hips. Two contractions and I felt like I needed tp push. Told nurse, resident checked and I was complete, but still 0 station. They told me to relax and not push. Wait for my body to bring him down. Uh huh. Two contractions later, the nurse was out of the room, I pushed. My husband looked at me, and in a bad French accent, I said, "I push."

I did crappy half pushes for an hour nust to releive the urge, then could not stop from putting more into it. Called the nurse and was like, "I'm pushing." Full team of nurses and residents came along with my ob, he checked me, helped me into a new position, and told me to basically go to town. He was also delivering a few doors down, and hers was closer, so he left the nurse with me. After about half an hour I was seeing his head with each push. Ob came back in and suddenly baby boy crowned. As he did so, amniotic fluid SQUIRTED over half tge delivery team in the room! Ob and team frantically scrubbed and gowned while he shouted not to push again yet and to get to the edge of the bed. I get down there (holy shit there is a head in my vagina zomg ring of fire!). Next contraction, ob is ready to catch, he tells meto give a big push, and I did. Just one. I yelled, "Get out!" and baby slid right out - no time for his nose and mouth to be cleaned before shoulders could be delivered. Lol - he flew! After cutting the cord, I got skin to skin and he latched after only 12 minutes. Wow.

Anyway, at some point they had me push the placenta, and then there was a quiet discussion about it. I asked what was so interesting, and they showed me - my placenta was two different pieces. Um wut? Very unusual, so it was going off to the lab for testing. Huh. Ok.

Anyway, picture time! First bath, big sister, and smooshy perfection!

Born at 11:28pm, 7lbs10oz, and 19 inches long.

Pardon typos, was on my tablet!
@nalle Congratulations! He's adorable and your daughter looks so proud and excited! Also, the amniotic fluid squirting the delivery team made me giggle :) Hope recovery is easy, enjoy that beautiful boy!
@casey73 Thank you! Haha, I actually laughed when they explained what happened after he was out :) And my daughter really is proud and excited, she can't wait for us to come home tomorrow.