IVF Twins: 2 girls, or 1 boy + 1 girl, what would you pick?

@chuckm Check this with your doc, but I believe IVF makes the embryos more likely to split, so two also makes triplets a lot more likely than the typical likelihood. Not VERY likely, but a lot MORE likely.
@chuckm Have you also thought about the financial implications of twins vs a singleton? It’s not just paying for extra diapers or 2 of everything. Not sure what you are planning on doing in terms of child care but the cost of daycare or a nanny for TWO infants at once is v high, at least where I live. And those first few weeks many people opt for a night nanny or some sort of help at night because caring for newborns twins is of course very difficult and my husband may not have much paternity leave. I am still pregnant and don’t have my twins yet but are setting aside money and budgeting for child care costs, anticipating that I will need night time help for my own sanity.

Another cost to consider is that twin pregnancies can often end in premature delivery and you may be looking at lengthy NICU stay and all the complications that can bring. Potentially Needing donor breast milk or expensive neonatal formula. If your babies end up having some developmental delays or medical issues from their prematurity then there’s all the costs associated with that - physical therapy, meds, frequent doctors visits, needing to take time off work, etc. This is something a couple of my fellow twin mom friends IRL have brought up.

And not to mention managing your own health. Twin pregnancies are HARD. I haven’t faced any complications luckily but the frequent doctors visits to my regular ob/gyn, MFM, high risk ultrasounds are stressful. I’m paying out of pocket for pelvic floor PT and it’s worth it but still just yet another expense.

My twins were spontaneous so I am just going with the flow and accepting gods blessings and thankful we are all healthy so far …. But I damn haven’t even had my babies yet and it’s so hard already!
@chuckm Can’t really speak to the medical decision of 1 v 2, but can say twin pregnancies and twin parenting is HARD. Our girls were born at 28+2, and had a long bumpy NICU stay(81/106 days) both are thriving now, but was a rough road getting here(13 months old)

My wife and I have a very stable relationship, and are very much a team. If we did not have that, I can see why it is a common theme to “not make relationship decisions for at least the first year” after multiples.

As far as babies sex, from a pure viability standpoint, girls are more stubborn and likely to survive both in utero and any NICU stay.