I've started mouthing off at my MIL the same way she does at me and I feel so a l i v e


New member
"this kitchen is a mess, it's pathetic"
"Well, I mean, I can't do everything Karen"

"I hate the shows y'all watch, they're so stupid"
"Yeah your shows are pretty stupid too, I won't watch them"

"You need to stop being so hard on C (her grandson)"
"Well I have to be, his Nana lets him get away with murder"

Guys I know it's not gonna fix anything, but as an ex doormat of 20+ years, it feels so good

ETA that none of her comments have any basis in reality. She's incredibly deluded and has a really fucked up semblance of how things really are.
Mine tooooooo and that’s how no one in high school picked up on the fact that she drank too much and was emotionally abusive - she was my teachers’ BFF and if I got close to one suddenly they were coming over for dinner and getting gifts and food...
@katrina2017 After my baby was born, the pediatrician asked some questions about the pregnancy and birth. I said I had been taking Iron supplements for borderline anemia, and he said it was unlikely to be a problem after the birth because it was just "delusional anemia". I was pretty confused, but didn't want to argue. At my postpartum ob appointment, I realized that the pediatrician had actually said "dilutional", and hadn't been calling me crazy. 😆