IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles


New member
I had 5 follicles 2 days before my IUI appt 18.8, 18.5, 18.8, 16.7, 14.1 with taking fertility medication and a trigger shot 36 hours before today. Just wanted advice if anybody else went through the same process and if so what was there follicle count? What are your thoughts?

Update: 7w appt confirmed twins !!!! ❤️❤️
@zeezee The most they ever let me have was 2 follicles for IUI.

There’s a really good chance you have 4-5 mature follicles (depends on the individual but a 14 mm follicle can definitely produce a mature egg). That’s very risky in almost all circumstances.

I’m sure there are some medical issues that changes the odds……but even if odds are lower for you due to whatever reason…..there’s always a chance of higher order multiples (ie triplets, quads, quints) with this many follicles
@nirajrana I remember a post fairly recently where the person ended up with triplets . Most fertility clinics cancel cycles with too many mature follicles . Multiples are risky for babies and carrier.
@zeezee I would cancel the cycle. I love my babies but this is fucking HARD. I only had 2 mature follicles, but one of them must have had more than one egg.
@simoelguerdy Holy crap! That must be so difficult. I had my IUI ultrasound with three mature follicles and have had a bunch of arguments with my husband about whether we should go ahead. Even twins seems impossible, I can only imagine triplets can feel untenable at the best of times.
@zeezee I have to tell you honestly I wouldn’t go through with it. I had 15 and 16mm follicles (sperm donor used but no fertility issues other than being in a same sex relationship and having low AMH/ and low follicle count). I ovulated without a trigger and had the IUI the next morning. My twins were born early both with IUGR, my blood pressure was a disaster, I was hospitalized for weeks, we had complications, they spent a bit of time in the NICU and even now my beautiful babies are nearly 6 weeks old and still only 5lbs each. The risk of having higher order multiples would scare me away.
@zeezee My first I had 2 follicles and had a singleton. I don't remember the size but probably around 18-20 knowing my clinic. My second I had a 17 and a 13. They were sure the 13 would disappear. It did not - twins. That seems like a lot of mature follicles. My clinic cancels cycles for 3+ follicles.
@zeezee My clinic also did not trigger with more than 3 mature follicles, and 3 was only in certain circumstances.

I did IUI with fertility meds and a trigger shot and 2 mature follicles each time, and I never got pregnant from any of those cycles.
@zeezee I was told my IUI cycles would be cancelled if there were more than 2 follicles which could produce a mature egg - I had undiagnosed infertility so I'm not sure if specific diagnoses would be any different management wise. I had two mature follicles, leading one 17mm, on the day of ovulation/IUI which resulted in fraternal twins.
@zeezee Are they letting you do the IUI with that many follicles? In my clinic they would never go forward with more than two mature follicles. It would be either a cancelled cycle or would offer to aspirate the extra follicles, but with no sedation or pain managent, which was crazy to me 😱
@samanthashellyy I did the IUI yesterday. Im hoping everything turns out perfect. I thought this is what it is until I read what many had to say. Praying now it all just works out after having loss
@zeezee I just read your other comment that you were advised to do the IUI by your medical team - I would trust them over the opinions of strangers on the internet! They know your situation better than any of us. Please do not worry over it because of us, the two week wait is hard enough already as it is ❤️ sending you hugs and wishing for a happy update in a couple of weeks!
@stevieblunder Hey I saw your post I am currently 5 weeks pregnant not sure if I am having multiples will find out in 2 weeks. My hcg at 19dpiui was 2573 and progesterone is 93 which seems high