IUI #1 was scheduled but cancelled because my husband’s specimen wasn’t good enough

@zacariah88 This same thing happened to us at our first IUI. We paid for meds and the IUI itself and went through hell trying to get everything on time. Then the day of, his count was under 1 mil. I was so angry and felt like “well why the hell am I putting myself through all this if he’s not making any changes!” After that he started taking some pretty expensive supplements and at our 4th IUI his sample was up to 50+ mil.
@zacariah88 I'm so sorry! We will move onto IUI next year due to travel messing up stuff. * sigh * at the two year mark now...this is my fear. One year in we did an SA and results were super good. However, we were doing hormones and triggers and all that fun stuff and she did a PCA and found that the sperm were all not moving. Hopefully it's just my pH screwing things up (thus, IUI) but I have this fear that something changed.

Wishing for you to have better luck next time and maybe we can be baby buddies (how many times have you heard that?)
@zacariah88 Our first IUI was also a disaster as his count was only 0.9mil. (a week ago he had it above the limit). He never had it this bad. But they proceeded with it anyway and told us only after, so I was pissed off as it was not fair and also a really painfull procedure for me. I was spotting and feeling pain in my uterus for 2 days after, which was totally unnecessary as there was basically zero chance it would be a success.
@zacariah88 Does he take any supplements the make his sperm better. My husband takes menevit and it’s supposed to be good. Could that help?

Other things, has he been stressed, drinking any alcohol or smoking? They all reduce sperm quality.
@katysmith he drinks like once/year and doesn’t smoke. i will look into that supplement though! he’s been taking vitamins but nothing specific for sperm (improvement??) thanks for the suggestion!
@katysmith Even if he’s been doing all of those “bad” things it wouldn’t likely cause such a dramatic drop in his numbers since their SA two months ago.
@katysmith his sperm was normal-ish before, count was fine just morphology was a little off and ph was 6.8 when it should be at least 7. all that’s changed is the bicarbonate supplement that he was told to take. but either way we will look into helpful supplements.
@zacariah88 Anecdotally, we noticed no improvement in morphology with supplements but did go to normal morphology with icing. It’s pretty simply and not too expensive to try out if you want to.
@exinanition ahhh wow not sure why that’s not where my brain went. apparently i’m hungry bc the only interpretation of “icing” in my brain is chocolate lol so apply ICE, not chocolate frosting. thanks for the clarification 😝🤦🏻‍♀️