IUD insertion pain vs labor pain


New member
Alright y’all. Give it to me straight. For those that got an IUD after birth, how does the pain compare? I’ve always done cycle tracking because I was never worried about getting pregnant if we had an accident, but now we DO NOT want to get pregnant right now. I had a bad reaction to three different pills, so now I’m looking into IUD.

During my (50 hours of) labor, I had a balloon inserted and I ended up getting an epidural at 5/6cm after 24 hours of labor. And then of course it ended in an emergency c-section! All that to say, I feel like I’ve experienced a decent amount of pain down there (balloon, contractions, c-section recovery), but I’m so terrified of IUD pain and just want to know what I’m getting myself into!!

From what I’ve heard it’s so much worse than doctors make it out to seem, please tell me your experience!
@sister53 IUD prebaby was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. IUD at 8 weeks postpartum was maybe a 2/10 on the pain scale, I barely felt it at all. Labor is hours of pain vs the IUD that is maybe 5 minutes of pain.
@sister53 I had an IUD inserted when I was younger maybe 20. I had no reference point then but it was way way way less than a contraction, more like a very intense period cramp. I had that one removed and replaced at 25, and it was not even as bad as the first time. And then that one removed at 30, before getting pregnant and it was nothing. Having now experienced labour - an IUD does not compare at all. Like comparing stubbing a toe to breaking a leg.
@sister53 Honestly I didn't believe the doctor when she said she was done 😅 Post partum IUD was a breeze. Previously it did hurt a bit, like a cramp, but this time I couldn't even tell. Certainly nothing compares to labor!