IUD Ballerine experience


New member

I saw a lot of people describing their experience with the fairly recent IUB and ngl it's really scary. But since mine was fairly good I thought I would give some hope out there for people interested in getting it.

I got my IUB inserted recently (only 6 weeks ago) and I was aware of most sides effects since I did some research before. I was expecting some heavy bleeding, really bad cramps and a high risk of my body expulsing it. But I got no or minimal cramps during my periods after the insertion, my bleeding has gone from a 5/10 to a 9/10 though. The first day of my period I thought I was dying lol. But no pain at all during my cycle. Where I used to be in strong pain (8/10) I started to not feel anything but just bleed a lot.

Thankfully no expulsion so far and somehow my pH-balance is the best it has been in forever. From the insertion (which was in terms of pain a 7/10 (my gyno gave me a local anesthesia and pain-relievers)) to my check-up everything has been "perfect". At least way better than I expected. I am really hopefull towards it.