It’s 3am. I have been feeding my LO every 1-1.5hrs since 5:30pm


New member
She’s 17 weeks. We have been in the middle of the 4 month sleep regression for just over a week (we’re guessing? A couple of bad nights during a weekend away may have started it?). I’m just feeding her to sleep every time she wakes at night. Is this normal? I’m worried she’ll just completely reverse and not eat during the day. We had been doing super well eating every 2.5-3hrs for about 15 mins until today. We’re back to newborn-like 20-25 min marathon sessions. Is this some tremendous growth spurt combined with a sleep regression and strong nurse to sleep association or something?? I only nurse her to sleep at bedtime but make sure she goes in the crib drowsy but awake. And for naps she self settles. I can’t imagine what I’m doing wrong. So tired.
@pastorjohan Baby may also be wanting the comfort from the nursing. If she is indeed in the sleep regression stage, she could just be having trouble settling herself and can't fall asleep without the comfort of nursing.

When we had nights of baby waking every hour, I also tried using pacifying and rocking/soothing and baby would go back to sleep too, so sometimes it isn't always hunger and might be that baby needs help to fall back asleep. I am guessing that during the regression sometimes they suddenly can't seem to self-soothe back to sleep or link their sleep cycles? I'm not sure why but I also had a lot of nights where baby would wake every hour around the 4month mark but now she's sleeping 4-6hr stretches at 5months. (But now we have a new problem of baby is too curious and excited to fall asleep so settling for bedtime suddenly got a lot more involved.)

Hope you are able to get through this soon!!
@pastorjohan I’m right there with you!! My LO is driving me crazy with his hourly waking. I’ve had my husband try to settle him so I can rest. All my friends seem to have unicorn babies that sleep through or only wake 1/2 times at night. Meanwhile I’m feeling quite low and tired.

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