It’s 3:30am and I’ve slept 7 hours in 48 hours…


New member
My 14 month old just had surgery on Tuesday. His surgery requires him have a catheter for 2 weeks. He’s so uncomfortable. It’s impossible for him to sleep on his own. He will finally get comfy in his crib, fall asleep, and 5 minutes later wakes crying. And since he had surgery he’s not allowed to cry it out. I’ve given co-sleeping a try as it worked well with his first surgery when he was 6 months old but he hates it this time. He constantly is reaching for me which keeps him awake. The only way he will sleep soundly is in my arms in the rocking chair. I’m exhausted. My husband is exhausted. And I don’t really trust either of us to hold him like this through the night, especially for another week! To add he’s also cutting two new teeth.

Anyways, I’m just in a very low mental place as a mom right now. Sad he even had to go through this, sad he can’t get comfortable and get good rest, exhausted from lack of sleep, and just frustrated because of all of it.

My husband helps a ton during the day with our LO. He doesn’t trust himself to hold him during the night as he’s always been a heavy sleeper. Me in the other hand can force myself to stay awake for babies sake.
@crazyrr1959 Now I feel bad because I also complain about lack of sleep, but I am just still in the newborn phase.

Love my Lo. Wanted always to be a mom. But now I am here and doing all of this alone and to be honest I Dont know how I survive the last weeks.

But like I said, that's hopefully just the newborn Phase and your Situation is much worse. You have to Deal with a lot!

So about the not sleeping I understand you!

I have gotten so little sleep lately and notice how I feel more and more not like myself.

Currently my little one is sleeping in the sling again after taking a long time to fall asleep. I don't know if I did something wrong again. He didn't really want to drink, diaper is changed, we played etc...

But because of the little sleep I notice how I hang in my thoughts a lot and then partially just stand there but don't speak to the little one.

I never wanted to Co sleep. Now I am thinking about it. And how I could do this in the safest way possible. Because I Dont know how long I can go on like this.

Lack of sleep is stupid. And so dangerous.

Even more so when you have to get your little one to sleep after surgery and teething. I am so sorry for you.

Sorry to have no solution or advice. Only one I feel with you about sleep and I wish that all goes well for you soon!
@adam1982 Being a mom is tough. It’s the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

Sleep deprivation while taking care of another human who physically can’t take care of themselves is so hard.

I’m so sorry you’re alone! I completely understand where you’re coming from loving you lo and always wanting to be a mom but having the thoughts of how can I survive this. Physically and mentally.

My little dude has always been a terrible sleeper. Since the day he was born. It gets better then gets tough again due to leaps, teething, or now surgery.

I do want you to know it gets better! Don’t doubt yourself or beat yourself up! Every single baby is different and the only person who knows their baby best is mom. You got this! We go this!

Co-sleeping is absolutely something I never thought I’d do but when it came down to it it’s what had to be done to survive. Look up the safe sleep seven before to make sure to set yourself and baby up for a safe, successful, sleep!
@adamsonp I’ve talked to the doctor and she said he doesn’t need more than the ibuprofen and Tylenol that he’s already getting. The worst part is they prescribed something to help with catheter comfort and bladder spasms but their is a nationwide shortage due to manufacturing issues. AND they can’t prescribe and alternative. I just feel so bad for my little dude! He’s never been a great sleeper but now everything is thrown off and he just needs comfort.
@crazyrr1959 Can he have panadol for the teeth?? That might help with the sleep if hes uncomfortable with the catheter.

Do you have anyone close by that can play with him during the day so you can sleep a few hours??
@susansandiego He’s currently taking a mix of ibuprofen and Tylenol. Alternating every three hours so he gets one every six hours. Thankfully my mom is going to watch his for a few hours today so I can get a nap in. Thank you for the comment!