Is there any hope we r 2,5 months old with the shallow latch


New member
Had tongue and lip ties done back in a day. Have slight issues with neck she prefers the right side over the left. Saw pt they said to do stretches.

We saw 5-6 or maybe 7 lc and to no avail.

Is there anything that helped u guys with the shallow latch? She wants the breast but doesn’t open her mouth wide. Any type of exercise y’all can recommend ughh we had just a few successful latches in the past.

Im just at the point of considering exclusive pumping which I kinda have recently been doing.

She’s gaining and is healthy but I wish we had that perfect latch and exclusive breastfeeding not pumping.
Thanks y’all
@laurencesantos Did you do the recommended exercises for the full 30 days? Is there possible reattachment,

Possibly check with an OT or chiropractor to maybe help with body work for neck. For me, the 3 month mark was when a lot of things just fell into place with LO latch. I continued to gently do some of the cheek stretches to help open up his mouth. Don’t do the stretches if LO is crying, this increases stress and tightness in the body.
@lindal113 We did not and our LC showed us not the full set of exercises. However, I did go back to ENT again and he checked my daughter out and said nothing got reattached. I stopped doing stretches for a while and now I’m thinking to give it another shot
@laurencesantos Look up guppy pose and also when she is asleep gently pull down her chin as a stretch.. you can also try this when awake by running your finger first down her nose tip to lip to chin

Body work and stretches are needed often and regularly. It’s a lot of work but we are on the same journey too
@deniray 🫂I do those thanks! and she totally hates the guppy stretch 🥲 she’s okay with chin being pulled down it’s part of our game routine. I think we have poor suction and her tongue mobility isn’t great ughh
@smmath It hurts have milk blebs and blisters. So it even hurts to pull afterwards. Baby is gaining a lot cuz I pump milk and bottle feed. Lactation consultant said baby doesn’t transfer much milk