Is NICU follow up necessary when seeing a pediatrician a few times a year?


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My LO is 19 months old. Born at 31 weeks. She’s gone 2-3 times to the NICU follow up. Last appointment cost $1200.

She was evaluated as on track, and sees her pediatrician every 4ish months for physicals. I really can’t afford to pay $1200 again, I am still paying off that last Visit. Of course, If her pediatrician mentioned any sort of delays I would go. But does anyone else opt out of these after awhile? Last time she went she was 13 months old.
@kimberly1988 My LO was born at 28w6d. We had NICU follow ups until he was 3. Then it turned into a developmental pediatrician consult. My LO required lots of monitoring for PT, OT, and Speech. Maybe you can ask to see what their concerns are?
@noothername So as an infant there was concern with hypertonia. We went to PT for like 6 months and then we were cleared by PT in Jan. we had the NICU follow up on feb and all was well and everything was on track. But they recommended to come back to check if everything is still on track.
@kimberly1988 $1200? Fuck no. My 30 weeker was supposed to go to these follow ups, but didn’t have space for him.
My 24 weeker has been in a few times, didn’t cost us anything but has been an overall waste of time and added stress. The pediatrician and early on would be more than enough.
@raiders47 Yep, about $600 for OT/PT and about $600 for the doctor. $1200. For the evaluation only. And it was in February so my deductible and out of pocket max reset so we owed the full amount.
@kimberly1988 Oh bummer! Yeah I would straight up tell them you can’t afford it and will work with your pediatrician. My youngest has Medicaid still (not sure why, got it when he was very sick with NEC in the nicu) so we haven’t seen a bill for him yet. I cannot imagine getting a surprise like that!

I apologize for my language—we’ve been very frustrated with NICU follow ups because we lose a day of work and they have been off—like over testing. They had us get his hearing tested…even though he can clearly hear…and it was a long appointment where my son didn’t cooperate and they couldn’t do the test on him anyway. Then in February they tell us he needs to be tested for autism because of the lack of speech…and literally everyone else was like “no…he doesn’t display any signs.”
@raiders47 I think they were doing BAER hearing test. This is to rule out hearing issues as the cause of any developmental delays. But the important part here is if there are developmental delays.

On full term babies, they will just ask you to have your child be evaluated by dev’t pediatrician or in early intervention programs. But most of the time, if your child has no issues, they would prefer you not to go because having an appointment will take a very long time.
@ellienora93 When I was leaving the NICU the doctor recommended going for follow ups to check for delays and milestones. But the past few we’ve been to everything has been on track.
@kimberly1988 We also were told we have to see the neonatologist NNP for follow ups through 2 years old, but I think if you are being charged that much with no significant reasons to go I’d be willing to opt out as well
@kimberly1988 Not all NICUs have follow up programs. I work in a level 4 and we’ve never been able to get it off the ground. We do send babies that meet certain criteria to a developmental pediatrician appointment at 6 months old. I think most babies only go once unless there are concerns.
@kimberly1988 I'm assuming you are in the US based on the cost. We are too, but our NICU refereed us to our county early intervention program as well as a child development specialist run through the hospital. The county service is completely free and the development specialist is covered by insurance because they were premature. The development specialist sees our babes every 3 months to check they are on track. Don't even have to pay a copay. Early intervention comes to the house once and week and isn't even run though our insurance because it's county funded. Honestly both services do basically the same thing. Is there early intervention in your area that you could sign up for? Over $1000 is ludicrous.
@kimberly1988 This is hospital-based, my hospital has the same thing. I’m debating not going, because I’m already enrolled in my counties early steps program.

Honestly, if you don’t want to pay it, I would ask your pediatrician to call them and tell them that they don’t recommend you go. I am planning on having early steps just send the report so that I can opt out without them thinking I’m ignoring them.
@mozo41 Oh I see, that makes sense why others don’t know of the program. I feel as my Pediatrian would catch any delayed milestones, especially considering we’ve seen the nicu follow up
A few times already.

And yes I am concerned they will think I’m
Ignoring them too.