Is my 17yr dtr always gonna be this way?


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I 42F have 2 kids, 24m and 17f.. all her life she has been spoiled! I grew up without most of my life. And after school I went to become a nurse. I e made decent money and can now give her the world as she is older now. When she was young I put her in dance. It was hard for me bc I struggled bc dance is expensive. Well I did anything I could to have her keeping up with the white girls at her studio. I am married to her dad, but he doesn’t make what I make and also he’s selfish with his money so it’s always been me giving her the world. Well from her teenage years now to 17 she has become so rotten towards me. Her friends have great relationships with their moms. The like to be around their moms. Not my kid. She hates to be around me, she never wants to just talk, if I ask her anything about her day she blows up and said omg why are u so annoying, stop talking to me. All I did was ask about her day. Of course if she wants something she’s right there asking please and bc of how I grew up I give in and let her do or have things that her friends have. But she is so mean to me. She will say she doesn’t care about me. I’ve had a couple surgeries in the past ten years that have put a damper in my life 1 surgery just recently. I’m in a lot of pain and I need help getting around for now. But she doesn’t care, she can’t empathize at all. I was so hurt by her in the summer I was thinking about ending my life. Bc why have a daughter that just doesn’t care about you , my life feels crushed , how can she be this mean and cold hearted. All I’ve done is try to help her in life. She wanted to dance more like her friends and she did. She won scholarships and offers to dance and I’m right there paying for it taking her a being her literal biggest cheerleader! I don’t understand the hatefulness she gives. Sometimes too I’ve noticed she’s just not nice in general to people. I’ve had some of her friends say that it’s just a phase she will be my best friend in her 20s not to worry. But it’s hurtful. All her friends say to her how they love how I’m always there for her and I spoil her so don’t be mean to your mom. If I say one thing to her about anything, giving my opinion then now I’m “judging” her. Her brain will make her mad at me for this she will blow up bc I will say something like, “hey I think we need to change your curology skin care order bc your face is so dry we need to find something different” then she literally goes, YOIR FACE IS DRY AND UGLY stop judging me. And gets mad that I even brought it up🤷‍♀️
Do I have something to look forward to or is she just a kid that will always hate their mom no matter what.
And i know u may think I’m missing something but I’m not, really I’m leaving out all the soiled bratty things that we do for her and how unappreciative she is. I’ve poured my heart soul money time effort just my life for her to have a good life better than mine but I never get a hug or I love you or anything. It’s so depressing. What should I do, I’m scared to loose her she will be 18 soon and she can decide she just doesn’t want to talk to me ever after her birthday. If I try to sit her down and tell her how she coming off as. She doesn’t want to go to a dr or counseling. She’s too busy she says!
I literally spend my last penny on her, senior pictures, dance comp fees, clothes, shoes jewelry trips etc…. And I’m living with old clothes , injured and a dtr who doesn’t give a shit. Please advise, or anything. Will it get better is this just bratty teenage times?
Thanks in advance