Is it really slut shaming?

@signsofthetimes Similar thing just happened to a friend’s kid and the girl asked him to send pics of himself. He did. Not long after he started being blackmailed saying they were going to release the pics.

Shit oh dear, raising kids is brutal these days.
@signsofthetimes It’s the online equivalent of a one night stand. Not surprising for someone his age, but as a parent it’s your job to make sure he’s not being unsafe online. If he’s gonna send nudes it should be with a trusted person not a stranger. And make sure he isn’t ACTUALLY “in love” with this girl and that was just a “in the moment” thing.
@feargodnotthem I checked his actual phone this morning and can’t find any evidence he saved it. I mean, Teen Me would have just emailed it to myself but also I wouldn’t be chatting on a platform my parents monitored.
@signsofthetimes No, that's not what I mean. She may not have deleted their phone conversation which shows her sending the videos to him. While it is not likely for him to get in trouble because he is underage, it is possible especially if she is younger than he is.

All in all, it sounds like this girl has some issues I would be as leary as you are. Sounds like the type of kid that would purposely make you a grandmother to create something that she is missing in her life
@signsofthetimes If I were you - I’d literally ring the PD office and ask whether there are people on staff who could explain the real world ramifications of this kind of exchange (or receipt) of images.

Hearing from an Ofcr examples of how kids lives have been totally derailed by participating might sink in.

It’s child porn - and although it’s rampant - it just takes one fully incensed parent to catch wind of the exchanges and file charges for the wheels of prosecution to start grinding.

And with the uptick in social media exploitation awareness there may be more focus on making examples of those involved…
@harpsgigi That’s a good point on the social media coaching. He desperately wants someone to love him, but isn’t understanding that having someone to throw I love you back and forth with isn’t anything like actually knowing and loving someone. Add on horny teen and it’s a disaster waiting to happen. I’m sure I could track this child’s mother down. I’m tempted to but I think my kid will hate me if I out her.