Is it easier to walk after pregnancy? Pregnant with healed broken ankles


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On 12/15/23 I missed a step or two on my staircase in the dark. I fell and broke my ankles at 23 weeks pregnant. I am close to 36 weeks now and we will be doing c-section at 37 weeks (3/19). I will be a first time mom. So I’m pregnant with twins and healing ankles.

My dilemma is that I am 12 weeks deep into this injury. I am now able to bear 100% on both ankles. I started PT two weeks ago and had to end up doing aquatic therapy. It’s helpful and I’m able to walk with a PVC pipe walker. Can’t on ground. I did two days water and one day gym for two weeks. Now, I’m two days gym and one in the water. There is no way I’m going to learn how to walk on ground this week to be ready to walk next week. I will have to use a walker but that doesn’t mean I’ll be a pro. The walker is fine but I also have a random right hip issue. I have shooting pains out of it and range of motion is incredibly low. So possible pinched nerve.

My questions are for those who can answer or relate:
  1. Anyone in the middle of physical therapy when did you return to therapy after birthing?
  2. Have you (or do you think I) will be able to walk easier after the c-section? I’d love to stand up and walk to a regular toilet.
  3. Anyone break both ankles? How long did it take to bounce back (pregnant or not)?
  4. Anyone develop pinched nerves in the hip or a strain and it was easier to just walk after having a baby?
  5. Anyone a doctor? I feel kinda mislead by orthopedic doctor.
Thanks for reading this far. It’s a lot of pressure and anxiety.
@kint Actually, my sister went through something similar a few years ago. She broke both her ankles right before her wedding (can you imagine the stress?!). She also had to have a C-section because of it.

Just like you said, discussing concerns with her PT after delivery was key. They were able to adjust the exercises to focus on her core strength and upper body mobility for the first few weeks. She used a walker for a while, but she said it was amazing how much easier it was to walk even a short distance after the C-section.

She definitely had some hip pain too, and I remember her mentioning it might have been a pinched nerve. They did X-rays to be sure, but luckily with some adjustments to her PT routine, the pain lessened significantly.

Everyone recovers at their own pace, but seeing how well my sister bounced back after a similar situation gives me hope! I'll definitely be focusing on my PT and listening to my body.

On a side note, my sister actually found the CareClinic app that was really helpful during her recovery. She used it to track her pain medication and PT exercises, which helped her stay organized. It might be something to consider for you too!
@justafriendlyathiest Thanks for replying. It’s so difficult. I can’t wait til this chapter is over with. I hate your sister went through this too but it’s inspiring to me because this isn’t something that happens to most people. She’s a rockstar!