Is baby too small?

I am currently pregnant with my 4th baby. Just for context, I’m really overweight therefore I see a MFM and am considered “high risk” but thankfully never really had any true issues with pregnancy/labor. All three of my other babies measured quite large on ultrasound but born weighing 8.3, 8.5 and 7.5 lbs. All three consistently measured ahead on scans though. Baby number 4 was measuring in the 67% at 20 weeks, 42% at 29 weeks and 35% currently at 33 weeks. My doctor says she’s not concerned “yet”. I also haven’t gained any weight at all during this pregnancy which I know isn’t necessarily a bad thing considering I’m so overweight. Has anyone else experienced anything like this and ended up with an issue or anything? TIA
@glittering_grasshopper Well, I'm not overweight but I had a similar issue where I went in for a regular check up with my Doctor said that the baby's femurs were measuring smaller, and he kept saying that the baby was small as well. And then 2 weeks later, I went in, and he said now that he was measuring 4 weeks behind and I had to go see a Perinatal specialist. And when I went to see the specialist, they ended up saying that everything looked fine. So maybe that's something that you can do. Go to a specialist and see if they can do a more in-depth, scan or measurement.
@glittering_grasshopper So my bub went from 75% down to 6 % at birth, he was actually lighter than his 36 weeks scan at birth, all along they were say he was big but scans can be very incarnate. Current baby went from 90% to 37% at 32 weeks. He’s bouncing around and I’m eating
@glittering_grasshopper My first was born at 8lbs 7 Oz. The anatomy scan out baby number 2 at the 65 percentile. 32 weeks she was down to the 27th. And now at 37 weeks she's at the 32nd percentile. She weight slightly less than 6 lbs at 36 and 5. She's petite. The doctors weren't concerned "yet" either but did order additional growth bmi ultrasounds when she dropped down to the 27th percentile.

I am also overweight and haven't gained really anything this pregnancy. I think I dropped close to 16, 17, 18 lbs in the first trimester and I've gained maybe 7lbs back. None of my doctors seems concerned at all. I think that some babies are just smaller than others. It's all averages.

So I wouldn't worry unless your doctors are worried. If everything else seems healthy then you're baby is probably just fine, but petite