Is anyone else's pets driving you C R A Z Y during WFH?

@myles0 My pets have been driving me bananas sometimes. I feel really guilty because one of my dogs has anxiety and just FREAKS out with all the walking, mail delivery, cars, etc. neighborhood traffic is way up since COVID. She just barks and barks and is hard to calm down. She already has medical issues, so I feel like a shit person being frustrated with her. I know she doesn’t have a lot of time left.

I’m 34 weeks pregnant and walking hurts, but I’m trying to stick to a WFH routine with them. 8:15AM walk, breakfast, dog naps. Cat goes to lay on the picnic table in the fenced yard for about a half hour (tell Alexa to set a timer), he gets fed, gets a nap.

Everyone goes outside around noon - dog walks for a half hour, cat back outside when we’re home. Set an Alexa timer for 30 minute increments if cat behaves himself outside and doesn’t get squirrely.

Trying to get one last pet walk in around 5:30-6pm
When my husband gets home. If I stick to the routine, everyone is pretty chill and there’s minimal drama. If I don’t, they are barking, meow yelling hell beasts
@myles0 I was honestly going to start a business for dog doors for inside doors because I have this issue and I see so many of my colleagues with the same issue.
In fact I have to wear ACTUAL pants every day because of my damn dog! When I get up to let her in and out and in and out, the people I am on video calls with can see my whole body. No wearing PJs on the bottom for pet parents!!

So one thing I did to get her to stay put more is buy a heated blanket. I put it on the floor and turn it on. She lays on it and mostly stays put.
@myles0 No advice. My two dogs are driving me nuts. They used to never bark, but since WFH started back in March, now it's all they do. Mailman? bark like crazy! Lawncare? bark like crazy! SHM walking kids in a stroller in the general vicinity of the house? bark like crazy! I was on a early morning call to Singapore a few weeks ago and they started howling! Threw me off big time. :/
@myles0 I’m late to this party, but I just want everyone to know that I’m about to put my cats on the bus with 20$ and tell them good luck. Lmao. I’m so sick of being outnumbered! I’m going to start working in the office a few days a week so I can get away from them. One is constantly begging for food and it has me feeling resentful :( so bad! Anyway, at least I don’t have a parrot 🤣😵‍💫🥲
@crfstewarje haha good plan with the bus idea. you know what helped when my cat used to beg for food all day, i bought an automatic feeder that dispensed a set amount of food throughout the day. i was also trying to use it to control how much he ate since i was a bit overweight. it didn't really help him lose weight lol but he did stop begging me for food bc he saw the machine as the food source and not me! so it drastically reduced the begging!