Is 11mo baby normal? Or early sign of autism?


New member
First time dad here and thanks to everyone who will reply. Just a bit worried now (im not sure if it is overly worried).

Our 11mo old daughter seems to be hitting some milestones but not others and now we r paranoid. Could you help us by sharing what is normal and what is not? Or should we be worried?

Some background:
Baby was born 1 mo premature (but when i say 9mo means 9mo from birth but 8 mo from full term)

By around 9 mo from birth she hasnt really babbled or made lots of sounds. Either its a cry or grunt. Occasionally but rarely makes sounds like ahh.

By around 11 mo (now)
The thing that causes us biggest worry are:
A. She still doesnt really babble. She does make high pitch screech (aiyee). sometimes she does that after we say it and we may go back and forth a few times. Sometimes she will do it spontaneously while playing. One time she did it 4 to 5 times in a row everytime i shut eyes to sleep kind of to wake me up. Otherwise she just makes grunt sound everytime she is unhappy or if she doesnt like something
B. She doesnt look into eye of whoever is holding her when u call her. Example if she is playing or just on bed she will keep finding stuff to do instead of pause to look at you even if u keep calling her
C. Has short attention span or ignores you after you call her once or twice
D. Doesnt sit still keeps wanting to move or get stuff (doesnt sit still when reading)

However, on the other hand at this point she can
A. hold longer eye contact when she is carried, directrd to someone who is trying to make her laugh or make funny faces, or when she sees someone from distance
B. Laugh when people try to chase her or do peek a boo or when we praise her if she did something
C. Turn her head in your direction if you call her from a distance (but not all the time after one or two times in a row she will ignore)
D. Wave bye (and upon hearing bye bye)
E. Clap (either by herself or imitating)
F. Point in general direction (seems its not a decision yet but just points every now and then)
G. Stand crawl jump
H. Bounce and swing arms to music
I. Will crawl and ask to be picked up with arms outstretched
J. May cry if you leave
K. Will smile when you enter room
I. Occasionally might respond to 'wheres mama or papa' by looking to mama or papa but doesnt do it all the time and only when suits her
M. Will shake head when you say the word no or sometimes in reply to a question (dont know if she really understands but the shake head when you say no happens a lot)
N. Occasionally follows gaze at what we point to like flower or bird
O. Although she will laugh and look at person when she is fake tossed into air
P. She might do a high five or follow instruction to close/open her hands. But doesnt do it all the time.. Seems to want to do it when it suits her
Q. Will laugh shriek when tickled sometimes but not all time

Basically... We r most worried that she is not babling or making any more words... combined with short attention span and doesnt look at you when you are trying to play. Is that normal for babies?

I know babies really have short attention span but how short is worrisome? Is it just her personality that she doesnt want to be called or follow instruction or commands all the time? Is it normal that she is distracted very easy? Are we just paranoid?

The other aspects seem to be ok except for those.

Thanks in advance!
Worried dad/mom
@missyt Do you go to a baby clinic? They would be able to discuss what is 'normal'.
As father of autistic child, you can't worry about it, its them, you'll be fine and so will they. You need to just do what you do and live them. Good luck.
@devarim64 Thanks for the message of support. Our Pedia said she should be saying mama and Papa by a year... And she always uses real age not corrected age s I that's next month already! Will keep talking to baby and hopefully she says something soon
@missyt Ok so just putting out there that I am NOT an expert (at anything!) however, I just had my son for his 9 month check up and was very worried because he doesn’t babble at all. I joke that he’s mute. My doctor said: it could be any number of factors...

What she told me was, it’s still early obviously, but the fact that he responds appropriately to social cues makes her dismiss autism. He laughs when things are funny (peekaboo, tickles, silly faces) and cries when things are scary, makes strong eye contact.

So based on what my dr told me about my kid and what you’ve said about yours, I wouldn’t stress about autism and maybe look for other reasons (in my case, we think it may be ears/hearing related. My son had an ear infection 3 times November-March).

Presumably your daughter will have a 1 year checkup soon and I’d definitely discuss your concerns with your ped but for now try not to stress :)
@matthew_22 Thanks for the reply... Yeah there is social interaction... So I hope really nothing to worry about... it's just so worrisome if she doesn't respond immediately! Having hard time figuring if she is just a stubborn little baby (like her parents) or if there is something wrong. But hearing doesn't seem to be an issue because she perks up if she bears a dog bark and boy nces to music. Thanks again!
@missyt Hi, I don’t have any answers for you but I wanted to share that she sounds very, very similar to my 11mo son. He laughs, giggles, holds eye contact, and says lots of vowel sounds and can repeat them sometimes (though not too frequently), but doesn’t babble any sounds with consonants yet. He doesn’t really point or wave yet either. My nephew has autism, and anecdotally our LOs’ situations seem more like slight speech delays than autism to me. But I am of course not a doctor or specialist. My LO has a checkup soon and I plan to talk to the dr about the babbling. Whenever I read milestones online I get panicked, but then I read real testimonials and think maybe he’s just focusing on motor skills for now (he crawls up/on everything and is days away from first steps it seems like).

Feel free to DM me for more commiseration or questions. I’m curious to see what other people say on this thread.
@jleahj86 Yes sounds the same! Also our doc said before that if they focus on motor skills their speech might get delayed. I hope that's it...

Well for what it's worth baby put a small cup into a bigger stacking cup twice today! First time! So I guess that counts as social interaction?

I'll keep talking to baby and stop worrying first... I guess that's all we can do right?

Thanks for messaging back
@missyt You bet! Let’s try and follow up with each other about how things go with speech over the next few months.

I have been trying to be more deliberate and have added some activities recommended by speech language pathologists: read books with sounds (“Moo, Baa, LaLaLa,” “Baby Says,” “Toot toot beep beep”), play peekaboo but instead of peekaboo say “mama”/“dada” depending on who it is to build the association, I say “up, up, up” when he wants to be picked up and holds his arms up, playing with more animal figurines and doing sounds too (I guess animal sounds are a common first word for some delayed talkers), saying “uh oh!” when something drops, and modeling pronunciation of consonants clearly for him “b-b-b-b.” That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. If you have any other ideas, please let me know!

Good luck!
@jleahj86 How did your nephew's autism present? My son is 9MO and 1) doesn't care about peekaboo, 3) doesn't laugh at silly faces, just smiles, and 2) doesn't copy our facial expressions.
@nathilidou Hi there! It’s so tough to say because my nephew is 8 and all autistics are so different. His main markers were/are: 1) no speech (he’s still nonverbal but can say approximately 10 words from speech therapy, like “boppa” for his grandpa), but I should mention that many autistics do speak, 2) toe-walking (not sure when he started this... pretty young though, and he still does it, 3) hand flapping, 4) stimming (he moved his head a lot when he was younger and now likes spinning on things, 5) longggg vocalizations (basically yelling) of mainly one vowel sound. For instance, in a restaurant high chair, babies might yell and use different pitches and tones and kind of do it in stops and starts. My nephew would yell like “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah” repeatedly, for long periods of time. My sister said the therapist said it lit up some part of his brain.

Once again, this is specific to my nephew. Some of them apply to other autistics, but I’m not a specialist so keep that in mind :) There are some youtube videos too where people will talk about early signs they didn’t really notice until retrospectively.

I can’t say much about my nephew’s really young signs (before 1 yr) because I don’t remember specifically, and I feel weird asking her now because since we all love him so much I don’t want it to seem like I’m saying “hopefully my son isn’t the same!” you know? He did/does smile and laugh though. And, for what it’s worth, my 11mo son doesn’t mimic facial expressions yet either. I would not let that main aspect get you too worried.

I hope this helps!
@missyt Nothing there really jumps out at me too much. My first didn’t babble at all until 10 months (which correlates with your daughter’s corrected age) and he talks and sings up a storm now. She sounds like she’s doing lots of things my almost 11 month old isn’t doing yet. The lack of responding could be a concern for hearing as well. If you are worried, always ask!
@evangbessawa Thank you for your reply!

Wow so it's like a one month turnaround for your baby! That good to hear they can flip the switch in a month...

I guess we will just keep talking and Interacting with her as best we can in the meantime...thanks again
@missyt Older thread, and I hope everything is working out well for your LO and the family.

My wife and I are going through the new parenting paranoia now. Our 12 mo old is still not eating well. He doesn’t do well with soft textures and we start looking at other signs of autism. Unsure if he’s responding to his name well, not doing great with understanding ‘no’, and some other communication delays.

Just wanted to check in and see how your story is progressing OP. Thanks.