Intro - Newly pregnant w/ #1!

Hi all! I JUST found out I was pregnant (officially, blood test) yesterday, so figured I'd put in my 2 cents! The doc's office didn't let me know how far along I was (or if the blood test even showed that), but based on my LMP/date(s) of BD, I estimate that I'm about 2 weeks along so far (in my '4th week' if you count the LMP like doctors do), and assuming nothing goes wrong - which I really hope to God it doesn't - will deliver around mid-June. Hooray!

I can already tell that it's going to be hard for me to not tell people - I don't know if we'll last the whole 1st 3 months of not telling at least our immediate families, but DH & I would like to try & wait until we're pretty sure that we're 'in the clear', so to speak, before making it 'publicly known'. I look forward to posting w/ you guys! :)
@unprofitableservant Congrats! I am 5w3d, and my husband is also pretty insistent on waiting to tell people, but I/we have told a few people. I only told people whose support I know I'd need if I miscarry, so that is my mom and my 2 best friends. We are telling my in-laws in a few weeks for my MIL's bday. So it is possible to share with a few close family members or friends before the second trimester if you want, just make sure you only tell people you'd feel comfortable telling you've miscarried, if that makes sense. Of course, this is just what I'm doing; everyone should do what they feel is best.
@digitalphiltv Yah... we've told a friend of ours that's also pregnant (about 3-4 months ahead of me), since we figured it'd be cool for me to have someone to 'swap pregnancy info with', lol. No worries, you make total sense, I agree. I'm trying to at least last until Thanksgiving, b/c DH & I will be seeing both of our (immediate) families that day, & I'll be approx. 8-9 weeks along @ that point (I THINK), so I figured it might be a good time to share the news.
(...Oh, but it's so hard to wait! Lol)

Congrats to you too! :-D
@unprofitableservant There was no way I could wait 12 weeks before telling certain people! We've told our parents and siblings and my best friend.

I'm a pretty open person anyway so if I did miscarry I would very definitely need support from those I'm close to. And this way - if the worst WAS to happen - they got to have these few weeks of happiness that they otherwise wouldn't have had.
@nwalls Very true! It's definitely wonderful to have a support system handy, and like you said - God forbid, if the worse should happen, at least we had the time that we did.
DH & I talked about it, & decided Thanksgiving is definitely when we're gonna tell our immediate families - parents & siblings (in his case, aunt & grandmother also!), since we're seeing both families that day (his for dinner, mine for dessert). Not only do both families find out that day, but there's no hurt feelings of 'which side found out 1st', or anything like that. Can't wait! :-D