Intro and looking for advice for how to tell my husband!


New member

I was a BB-er 2 years ago and this morning, I got my positive test for #2! My guess is about 4 weeks along. We have a 15 month old toddling tornado and bean #2 was semi-planned, so this won't be a total shock to my husband. I was thinking maybe putting D (internet pseudonym for my toddler) in one of those cute "Big Brother" shirts from Etsy. I'm kind of afraid he won't notice or get it, though, because he's not super-observant. Other ideas? So glad to be joining you ladies! :)

To the siblings who sometimes reddit-stalk me: DON'T TELL MOM AND DAD YET! K, if you read this, get your husband K and sibling J to help keep you quiet. :)
@aud1 LOL, your last line about stalking siblings made me laugh. I don't know why, just thought it was cute.

I like the "Big Brother" shirt idea. Maybe do multiple signs throughout the day like when you both have a day off together. Maybe wear a shirt with arrows pointing to your belly, putting an actual bun in your kitchen oven or make him do a scavenger hunt.

For my hubs, I had boxes within boxes where the last one showed my POAS ... all 5 of them. Hehe.

Good luck and congrats!
@jazzper Well, telling him about #1 (totally unplanned while we were in Asia on a round-the-world trip) was a little anti-climactic, so I'm hoping to do something cute this time!
@jazzper Will do! The shirt comes on Wednesday. Hopefully early enough for me to throw it in the wash and onto my toddler before my husband gets home from work!

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