Increasing supply at 7.5 months


New member
Hi! We’ve been exclusively BFing since baby was born. In the last 2ish months I became a “just enougher” when pumping at work. In the last 2 weeks I’ve lost about 2-3oz in my usual supply while at work. What can I do to get it back up? Can I still pump after she nurses or will that take what she needs now? She only eats on one side at a time when home with me (every 2-2.5 hours) so should I be pumping the other side? I’m just afraid to take what she needs away. Is there anything else I should be doing?
@darlingdar I don’t have experience with 1 side nursing, but I would pump the side she doesn’t eat on while she’s eating, then pump the side she ate on after, while still pumping the other. Stimulation will be your best friend in increasing your supply. I dropped to barely enough to feed LO at 8 months, but 3 weeks later my supply is up 6+ oz just by adding extra pumps and feeds throughout the day.
@darlingdar From what I’ve heard from others. Yes, you should pump on both sides after nursing. Output really depends since everyone is different. For example, I tend to only do 10 minutes but others need 30. So maybe it’s a matter of experimenting and slowly sting based on how much your time for example, start by only pumping for five minutes after nursing.

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