In L&D! 3-4 cm dilated and ready to get this boy outta me


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I now understand why back labor has such a bad reputation. Labor vibes, please!

Update: Epidurals are amazing. I’m cranking through these contractions and don’t feel a thing save for a spot on my hip. I do wish I was able to sleep last night; currently going on 26 hours without sleep. Eat as much as you can before you head in. Ice chips and popsicles don’t fill an empty belly.

Update 2: 16 hours in and we’re at 9 cm with broken water!
@wobert Food wise, maybe your hospital is willing to give you broth? After a few hours of sweet clear liquids when I was having my first, the broth seemed like the best thing I'd ever had.
@choetboi The recommendations have changed, very recently. The practices are much slower to catch up.

If there is ever a second kid for us, I'm either demanding food or taking it with me and eating anyway. The lack of energy created by the lack of food about did me in.

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