Im so moody and mean to my baby daddy!!


New member
It’s almost like I can’t control it im always so upset by the stupidest things even when he’s stressed out it makes me annoyed or he looks at me funny !! Is there anything y’all could tell me to help with it? I don’t want to ruin our relationship. Im just so moody
@zeezrom Pregnancy makes you do crazy things. Anytime I did or said something mean to my husband I immediately apologized (even though I didn't want to in the moment). I told him "it's the hormones, and I really do love you. I am greatful.for you. You make me (smile, happy, safe, feel loved, etc)" Tell your man how much you appreciate him and everything he does for you. Fluff his pride but not in a super obvious way.

What's his love language? Do that! If it's touch, hold his hand when you watch movies together. If it's service find something small that you can do for him or ask him if he needs help with anything (but don't stress out your body, momma). He will probably say he's fine at first, it's a half lie, he's just not used to you being nice to him all of a sudden. Keep at it but not in a nagging way lol maybe sprinkle it in one or twice a week.

If you find a spider, ask him to take care of it for you. Heck go outside, find a spider, bring it in then ask him to help you. (I kill spiders immediately, but the hubs sets them free white whispering encouragement to them... I had no idea he was like that until I called him down to dispose of one for me).

These little acts of love and your acknowledgement to him that you are aware of your hormone driven moodiness and bouts of anger will hopefully help him make it to the 9 month mark and beyond!

Men want to be helpful and they want to be loved, but in their own way. Find that way and love on him! The hormones will pass eventually and your relationship will be stronger than ever!

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