Im really scared i f’d up


New member
Im having a major pregnancy scare couse of my period being almost 2 weeks late now.

Some time ago my boyfriend got a handjob from me under a blanket ( we used much lube and he didnt came but the precum and lube mixed and a lot of it got onto the blanket) and like 30 minutes later (he washed his hands) he fingered me under the same blanket and now im scared that maybe some of the precum on blanket was still valiable because of the lube also being on it (later we realised we switched the sides of the blanket but we arent 100% sure) im scared, i dont remember his hands being wet or anything but im still scared that fingering under that blanket couldve got me pregnant and even tho my periods are not consistent and almost always stays late rn im very scared its because of this accident im really in seek of help super stressed out.
@kman973 I don’t think the blanket could transmit enough swimmers. Most blankets absorb liquids. I don’t think the sperm cells would be able to just go from the blanket to you or his finger. The sperm cells would mostly die on the blanket.