I think my MIL is more excited than hubby and I!


New member
Yesterday marks 17 weeks!! I am definitely feeling my uterus grow, it's just under my belly button and hubby seems to think he can see a bump when I can't. (That's fine lol) I am still in my pre-pregnancy jeans, but I have 2 pairs of pants that are 1 size too big so I still have room to grow and most of the time I am in my pj pants or no pants at all. I sleep on every position. My doctor said sleep how I want until I get uncomfortable.

Anyways, on to my MIL. Hubby and I stopped by to visit last night to give them an update of our last appointment and when we get to find out the gender. (We don't have a phone and they don't do social networking). Then she was like, "I got stuff for you guys. I was going to give it to you on Father's day, but we didn't see you guys." (Hubby was sleeping and I spent time with my sister and dad)

She comes out with a grocery bag full of baby clothes. Let me see if I can remember everything that was in it. There was a Santa outfit, a St. Patty's Day outfit (green suit onesie that says "kiss me") and Peter Rabbit onesie, "Mommy's little star" onesie that is covered in stars, a giraffe footie pj, a teddy bear footie pj, a monkey onesie that is covered in monkeys and has a monkey on it's butt (that my aunt absolutely adores), another monkey suit (footie pj?), a pair of yellow and blue stripped socks, an alligator blanket and a mickey mouse onesie. I think that's it. They were all so adorable! I will post pics when I can.

I guess our "theme" is animals because clothes have animals on them, the pack-n-play has a lion and an elephant on it and our first gift off our registry is a stroller/infant car seat travel combo that has a monkey on the back and elephants and lions (not sure what other animals) on the rest of the seat. I will post a link to that. Car seat/Stroller combo
So it's becoming more real, but I think I can finally relax and be happy when everything is ok at the 20 week scan and we know the gender. MIL loves that if it's a boy we're naming it after hubby and his father (James) and if it's a girl, she loves the name Evangeline. Hubby decided to honor both his and my mom (and unfortunately my step mom) with giving her the middle name Ann. It sounds alright when the whole name is put together. So yep. 3 weeks!!

Oh, before I forget. MIL printed my registry and brought it to walmart and the guy was like, "Wow, she's not asking for a whole lot." Lol he didn't know that I have a second registry on Amazon that has about the same amount of items. My Aunt loves all the stuff I picked out. =)

Edit: Just checked the registry again and the diaper bag was purchased!! I have to let my dad know that people are buying now and someone may scoop up the chance at getting the pack-n-play that I know he really wants to get. Honestly, I think MIL bought the bag too lol
@xtianjax This baby will definitely be spoiled. It'll be the first on my hubby's side and even though I have a brother with 2 children, it'll be the first my family gets to see on a regular basis and my real mom sees my sisters son way more than my brother's 2 kids, so this one she won't get to see very often because of travel. (She is at least 2 hours away)
@unbakedpegga My MIL has known for about 2 weeks. We got back from holiday and she's already knitted a beautiful neutral coloured blanket! It's brown and cream wide stripes and is the size you'd put over baby in a car seat or just to snuggle them with. :)