I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

@keblish Nope. Run.

The fact that he seems to support that style spells red flags for you and your future if you have kids with him. You don't want to be stuck in a bad situation.
@keblish It's hard to stay out of it but try your best. I would take the approach of some one stable the children can go to. I have a nephew that is mistreated by his parents, nothing criminal but he is very unhappy. I make it a point to tell him how happy I am to see him and let him do the talking. I play around with him and let him be a kid. When he got a phone I made sure he had my number. I hope that as he gets older he knows that I am available to him and I care. I can't stand my sister in-law but I never let her son know because kids will defend their parents which is something you need to be aware of too
@keblish Your boyfriend learned his parenting from the same place she did. Be very careful having kids with him. If he's fine watching his sister behave this way he'll be fine repeating it later.
@keblish Don’t get involved unless a child is truly in danger. Telling other people how to parent (even if your advice is sensible) is a sticky situation. Most people, especially those that act the way you’re talking about, will probably be very hostile toward you.

Especially when you don’t have kids of your own.

Sounds like it’s time to move out!
@keblish This is sad because I know you care about the children, but they aren't yours and you have to stay out of it.

You need your own place so you don't have to witness this on a daily basis.
@keblish I’m gonna get allot of hate for this but I think CPS should get a call. A 10 year old should not be a permanent sitter and constantly berating and yelling at a FIVE year old is abusive. The mom needs parenting classes and a wake up call

You can do it anonymously
@leadersmash I reported a kid with a black eye who told me his father did it. That's demonstrably abuse. Nothing happened. And I have much worse stories than that, but I'd rather not share them.
@toliver Have you seen the doc on Netflix called “The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez”? Its related to what your talking about, CPS is unable to handle the case loads they have. Many kids are overlooked and it can end in tragedy.
@mollyg Is that what OP wants? To mess with the child's custody situation? That is so far over the line. OP will alienate the whole family if she goes that route. Sounds like the two kids are far from getting ideal parenting, but it also doesn't sound like abuse to me. Also remember you only have OP's version of the story.
@toliver No I don’t want the father in the picture. That would probably lead to even way more problems. I’ve only met him a handful of times. But as far as I know, he has been in and out of jail a few times. He was on the run for a short time, fleeing from a hit and run scene. I’ve also been told he was caught doing heroine in the hospital. He loves his daughter but he’s not the best of influences.

I also agree that would be significantly crossing the line.
@keblish Back when I was a little younger than you, I dated someone whose mother was very rough with her younger children. It was so upsetting that I had to stop going to the house. I know how you feel, believe me. But while you are living there, I would tread very lightly.
@toliver I don’t think OP is exaggerating or lying and it sounds like the dad tried getting more time but didn’t follow the proper protocols to report the mothers behavior. Yelling at the kid all the time and physically dragging them to a table and not having proper sitters sounds pretty abusive to me