I/P How you can help, and rules about discourse. PLEASE READ


New member
Hello there,

I know I don't pop in enough these days but my son is almost ten now and you all give each other far more relevant information than I have on hand. It's a joy to watch this sub from a mod position as it grows and changes.

I think all of you have heard by now about Hamas' attack on Israel. I will be frank. I am a Jew. I have my own personal opinions about the conflict but this is not the place for them. I'll keep my ranting to r/Jewish 📷. That said, what I am going to ask of all of you is to put your politics aside. Know that there are human beings suffering in Gaza and Israel. No matter what your stance looks to your heart, and think about humanity. Babies are born, even during war. Some of them NICU babies not unlike our own.

What we decided to do here, is post resources for both a Palestinian Hospital, and an Israeli hospital. These hospitals both use their funds to obtain medical supplies, medicines, and so much more to care for the injured and ill, and that includes their NICU Babies. I could not find a way to direct your donation to the NICU in particular, but I think donating to the hospital is enough.

All this to say, do what you can for who you can. The world is hurting right now. Let's spread hope. The comments are left on FOR NOW, I ask that you all PLEASE stay your politics. Don't post them here. We are here for the children of the world, no matter where they come from.

If you hung on this long thank you. I appreciate you reading and your cooperation.

Shifa Hospital, Gaza City, Gaza (They do currently have power and are actively treating patients as they come in as well as the ones inpatient.) The main hospital in Gaza City currently in an active conflict zone, with an extremely well rated, operational NICU https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/humanitarian-aid-for-gaza/donate/

Sheba Hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel Largest hospital in Israel with a top notch NICU, has not been targeted as of yet.


Thank you,

Shari - Mod, and the mod team.