I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

to. I just want the same respect I am giving.

Fair! But you ain't gonna get it 🤷

I do my best to recognize when someone is committed to misunderstanding me. It's a terrible feeling, a terrible experience 😞 but I'm ok with other people having a distorted view of me, I do my best. but you can't please em all so why bother. I can only live and be loved by so many
@agapeos1080 I do think, if you are truly upset by this, then yes, you are overreacting. That isn’t to say that there isn’t merit to what you are saying, I just don’t think it warrants much thought, attention, or reaction.

I think one of the hardest parts of coparenting is understanding our OWN boundaries when it comes so the other parents home and life. What I mean by that is recognizing when WE are the ones overstepping. I honestly don’t think it sounds like there are any boundaries that you really need to establish other than communication, at this point. They will likely make many choices that you don’t agree with (the bedroom situation, for example), but truthfully, it isn’t your business as long as your daughter is being taken care of when he is with her. If she isn’t being neglected or harmed, she is provided with a healthy environment, a home, and necessities, and the court order is being abided by, then what he does at his home on his time isn’t your concern - even if your daughter doesn’t always like it. That was actually some of the best advice given to me by a friend of mine who also has to coparent - be realistic over the things you actually do have control/say over, and learn to let go of the rest.

As far as her texting you, I think it is perfectly okay to not be okay with that and I think it it is reasonable to politely tell your ex that you aren’t comfortable communicating with his gf and that in the future you would prefer any communication relating to your daughter was just done exclusively between the two of you. Keep in mind, she is probably going to have opinions and influence on his side of things - and honestly, she should if that’s what they choose. He shares a life with her. Sharing the parenting duties may be what is better for their relationship and household dynamic and that is ok. Just like it is ok for you to have boundaries regarding your bf and discipline of your daughter. Both are ok, and both should be respected, honestly - it isn’t about entertaining her.

Now, as far as her sending the emergency contact list, that part made me lol a little. Only because I would imagine it was a little bit of a small, petty way of trying to establish her “place” and importance. SMH 🤦‍♀️. I would handle that by texting your ex and saying something like, “I found this list in daughters backpack. I’m wondering if gf may have wrote it. The school only allows three people to be on the EC list, and I have me, you, and my mom on there currently, but I will hold on to this list, just in case. Thank you for the information!” Something where it is sweet and respectful but also with a little subtle passive aggressiveness lol (because that’s always a little fun). Or, do nothing and just let it go. That would be appropriate here, too.

In the end, try not to get too caught up on the little details like this - they can eat you alive. You don’t need to assert your authority or your role. She knows it already and it sounds like it makes her a little insecure about where she fits into that picture, but that’s her problem and your ex’s problem.
@updated Thank you, I really appreciate your comment! I came here because I really wasn’t sure. The emergency contact thing really annoyed my boyfriend and my mom, because they’ve both been around since my daughter was born and they don’t understand why, if she’s including herself, they wouldn’t be included and why she came first. I thought it was stupid when I saw it, but their reaction kind of had me on the fence, so I appreciate your input a lot.

Truthfully, I don’t really care very much about what they do. My daughter doesn’t particularly like going over there, but she doesn’t get hurt or neglected or anything of the sort so there’s nothing I can do. If I worried about every little thing I had no control over, I would go literally nuts lol

The text thing I felt was out of line, and weird because my ex and my mom get along pretty well. I also said nothing then because her opinion matters very little to me. She doesn’t have any bearing on my life so it’s whatever, I just felt like it was inappropriate and she was overstepping. Again, those are MY boundaries that I have with my boyfriend. I would never have him texting my ex about stuff regarding my daughter because I think that’s really weird lol
@agapeos1080 I would flat out tell her that you will no longer discuss co parenting with someone other than her father. All of her questions can go through him.

The sheet would go in the trash.
@agapeos1080 You're the mother - she is just the gf of the dad. You trump anything she says or does.

My child has a step mom who oversteps all the time and it took me a while to learn not to get so wound up and remember that I am the mom. We have the powah.
@agapeos1080 I don't think it is unreasonable to be bothered by it. It is human nature as a parent. You don't know what her intentions are and how much of it your ex is aware of, so being cautious is prudent. And coming from both a step-mom and mom position, communication is important in blended family situations. Try not to assume the intentions behind her question or the emergency list. I do find it odd and potentially passive aggressive, but, as someone else said, there may be a reason for it in their minds. Maybe consider having a conversation with your ex on how you both view the boundaries for partners to ensure you are on the same page, you are both being respected and your daughter is getting the full benefits of having so many people who love her. Just letting these things go can lead to unintended resentments or unnecessary conflicts. Up to you, but that would be my advice here if there is something that is pricking you enough to come ask for perspective on Reddit.
@dgoodman Thanks! Yeah, I don’t hate her guts or anything I just am concerned that if I don’t say something and set a boundary with ex, this behavior will escalate.