I missed another first and I’m really sad about it


New member
My son loves fire trucks. Calls them “wee-oohs.” He gets so excited when we see them out and about. Every single morning, without fail, he says, “Mama, see wee-oohs?” We will literally watch compilations of fire truck sirens on YouTube.

The fire station by my house is having a breakfast later next month. I was like, this is my chance! I’ll take my son to see some real live fire trucks and he’ll have so much fun! He’s never seen them up close before.

My MIL (who is every brand of yes - this is not anyone’s fault and I certainly don’t blame her) was watching my son while my husband and I were working yesterday. I got home and my husband was unloading his car while balancing our son on his hip….and LO had a plastic firefighter hat on. My husband excitedly told me that MIL had taken LO on a walk past the fire station, and the doors were open. The firefighters saw how excited LO got and let him see the trucks up close.

I put on a happy face for my son while he toddler babbled to me all about it, and cried about it later.

Don’t get me wrong - I am really glad my son had that experience, and I’m not upset with my MIL at all. She’s wonderful and I’m happy they had that experience together.

I just also really wish I could have been there, too.

Edit: Oh my word, you all are so sweet. Thank you for all the kind words and solidarity.
@dezzy Aw that's gotta sting but wow, what a fun and exciting treat for your lil guy! The great thing about kids is they're full of boundless enthusiasm, he'll be just as excited to see more wee-oohs with his mama! Maybe even more so since you'll be there to share the moment.
@tarryn 100% this. He will love it just as much as the first.

My oldest gets excited to see buses and half the time I feel he gets so excited is I try to match the enthusiasm. It’s been months and it’s still not getting old for us.
@tarryn Precisely this! My son loves fire trucks as well! I let him dad (I am divorced) take him to the fire station first as his best friend is a firefighter but my son is still thrilled when we get to go to “touch a truck” events etc.
Also, I love that OP isn’t mad at MIL! That’s an amazing relationship!
@dezzy You sound like such a good mom. You’re able to attune to your emotions (missing out) while separating that from your son’s emotions (excitement, joy) and your MIL’s actions (doing a fun thing as it presented itself with your boy). I would be sad, too. And, the feeling will pass. You and your boy are lucky to have each other.
@dezzy My daughter is in daycare so I’m sure I’ve missed lots of her “firsts”. To help with the feelings of missing out on these firsts, I say “okay, she may have had a first xy&z, but she will still have her first time WITH ME!” When you take your son to see the fire trucks it will be his first time seeing them up close with you and that is not any less special at all ❤️
@bellavoce7 To add to this, I bet he will be so excited to show you around the firetruck, sit with you in it, name all the different parts, etc. The kids are just as excited about us experiencing things with them too.
@bellavoce7 This right here. My daughter loves everything related to firefighters, police cars and ambulances. I got to be there the first time a police officer saw her excitement with is car and invited her inside so she could turn the lights on. But I wasn't there when she went to the fire station with daycare. I authorized the outing, they sent us the pictures and although it did sting a little, she was so, so happy to be there, inside the fire truck and the ambulance, they let her push all the buttons she wanted. She was beaming. And if my child is happy, I'm happy. We'll get the chance to make memories there too, they always welcome kids and families to check out the equipment and they even put out a small fire so that kids can see them in action.

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