I missed another first and I’m really sad about it

@dezzy I am a bit confused why is that a "missed first", seeing firetrucks was on no milestone list i saw...but anyway i get it. We want to share all these special moments with our kids. But if he lives firetrucks we will love them any time you visit. Nothing is stopping you from going with him next time and i promise you he will be in awe again - this time with you.
@raika Everyone has different likes and dislikes. This was a HUGE like for OP's kiddo. That is DEFINITELY a milestone for this particular child. As for the rest of what you said... I agree. The bebe absolutely WILL be excited every time they go see the firetrucks!
@solatkarich I never said it isn't huge event for the kid but can we not misuse terms that have significant meanings? Milestones are medically acknowledged as developmentaly important events (in terms of social and motor skills) for certain ages. Seeing your favourite law order station and similar things are not MILESTONES. It can be a HUGE like and a very important event for a kid, that doesn't turn it into actual milestones. These are the same for everyone (kids just pass them at different ages), not depending on your personal likes and dislikes.

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