I L O V E my Nexplanon

@embemboo Seeing this make me thrilled for you! I have a couple people in my life that absolutely love it! It’s stories like theirs (and yours) that made me eager to try it.
Unfortunately my experience was not like yours.

However, seeing things like this remind me how wonderful things like this are for the right people. It also really solidifies the fact that birth control isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ type of thing.
@embemboo I have had mine for two years and I love it. It's been mostly blood free (I'm spotting right now and I hope it doesn't last too long), and it's so worth it for the peace of mind. I'm glad I got it as well.
@embemboo Been on mine for 4 months and have had almost continuous spotting but it seems to be getting less so I'm powering through 😁 100% worth it I don't get cramps or pms anymore
@jackflash101 I’ve heard some women take the pill for like a month and it clears up the spotting? Might be something you want to discus with your doctor, I didn’t have a problem with spotting so I’m not 100% sure
@embemboo Same!!! I've had mine for a year and honestly the only thing I can fault it on is now my periods are a tiny little bit more painful and can sometimes be a month or two away from regularity but it's a small price to pay for not gagging on pills, no headaches/migraines and a quicker return on fertility if I ever want another kid.
@embemboo I definitely love my nexplanon and I’ve had it for about 2 years and 2 months! But recently I’ve been getting my period much longer lasting about 5-8 days then it stopping for around 2-3 days then I have irregular spotting and old blood?? Like I was wondering if anyone else had this happen. I’m getting kinda worried and feel like I might have to get it removed sooner or that it’s “wearing” off too quickly! HELP
@bllee5 The dose gets lower over time so your side effects (including bleeding) might change a bit but it is still effective for the full 3 years, with some studies even showing it effective for 4 and 5 years with zero pregnancies.

Funnily enough I've had my implant for the same amount of time as you, but I had more spotting/bleeding the first 2 years and just the last two months I've had way less spotting than usual.
@embemboo Just wanted to pipe in with my experience. Overall I love my Nexplanon but. Like so many of you, I would go months with no period followed by months of eternal light bleeding. It was annoying, but when I started using the Ziggy menstrual cup (reuseable, can't feel it, clean sex, rinse out only 2x a day) my life became infinitely better. My husband can't even tell when I have it in even while we were having sex.

Point is, I don't hate periods nearly to the degree as I did before. With the implant, it got lighter and less painful and the Ziggy cup it is cleaner and has less of of an impact of my overall life.

I'm not am affiliate or anything, just a huge fan.
@embemboo That's totally amazing! :) I am on birth control pills now and am seriously thinking of switching to an implant. However, I've heard that sometimes you stop getting a period altogether, or if you do get one, it happens like in your case, twice over eight months. How do you know that you are not pregnant? Like, my pills give me a withdrawal bleed so I know there's no bun in the oven, but how could you tell while on Nexplanon?

Also, I have totally heard that it is 99% effective, so I guess you really shouldn't ever have to worry about pregnancy, but I am just curious on how you manage your anxiety over that :) Also, do you use condoms as an added protection with it? I feel like a lot of what I've read on here is that people get the implant so they can stop using condoms, haha. But I feel like with everything I listed above (aka, without any period for months on end) I would freak!!! Just wondering if it's right for me. I'm glad you love it though! :D
@sambodrummer I'm not OP but I just take comfort in how effective it is and that there really is no user error...99.95% which makes it the most effective method. Some people like to take a pregnancy test once a month or so (especially at first) to help with the no or irregular bleeding anxiety - you can get cheap ones in bulk online.
@areyouthere Thank you for the response! :) Do you use a back-up method with it, or no. Also, I read here it needs to be "properly in place" which is recommended to be checked "once a month." How exactly can it come out of place, if that happens, and would you need to see your doctor every month to make sure it's still in the right area? Thanks :D
@sambodrummer No I don't use any backup with it. You just want to check it from to time to make sure you can still feel it and that it has not moved a significant amount, if it has you want to contact your doctor ASAP because migration while super rare can be serious. A lot of the discussions around being placed properly has to do with the old insertion device for Implanon not actually putting the implant in your arm at all...so of course that was not effective at all. That has been fixed and doctors who follow the insertion instructions will palpate the area to feel it themselves and ask you to feel it too, assuring it is in place.
@sambodrummer Like someone else already said, I take comfort in those odds! Also my partner likes to use condoms too, I don’t mind because it makes him feel better (about not getting pregnant) too
@embemboo I love mine. Have had it for a year on the 15th. Only downside is that I have had spotting for the entire year. It's pretty annoying, but not ONE pregnancy scare!
@embemboo I’m getting my first one tomorrow. The pill I was on was great but I got tired of having to get refills on the prescription and sometimes I would forget to take it bc of my busy schedule. Hopefully I have a positive experience with it, but with all the negative reviews I’m kinda nervous. I already take medication for anxiety and depression so I hope it doesn’t get worse 😓