I just feel sick

@wayofthepromise I am so infuriated by this. I also feel completely helpless. I’m a Canadian choosing to live in the US and I can’t vote. If I get pregnant and it’s a girl, I don’t know that I can stay here. This shit is flat out dystopian.
@dichthuatsaigon Yes, we technically have a very easy out, if push comes to shove. But we’re economically tied to the US right now and leaving would be a serious decision with big and possibly shitty consequences. So we can only hope things will get better — but I don’t hold out much hope on the social development front at this stage. We’re stuck here as much as anyone at this point.
@wayofthepromise I can't even contemplate what our future looks like. Right now if I want an abortion that isn't deemed medically necessary (military health will only do medically necessary/ product of incest or rape abortions), I have to go to planned parenthood, we currently live in a blue state, that's fine.

But, We are going to be moving to a red state next year (thanks military), and we are hoping to be TTC next year. I now need to research what would be deemed a medically necessary abortion by military health. I'm not sure what qualifies, and I'm scared that we would be stuck in a red state with no access to abortion, and find out that there are problems where abortion is the better answer. We also don't have the option of waiting until we're not in a red state anymore.
@wayofthepromise I have health issues that will make me a high-risk pregnancy and it scares me that if things went south, I wouldn't have access to the life-saving care I need.

It honestly has been really upsetting for me. I really want children, but I'm not sure risking my life like that would be worth it. I've been really down about it all week.
@katrina2017 I’m so sorry this is something you have to consider :( if you ever do need help, I hope that the community of folks across this country who are on your side will step up to get you what you need
@moses199 I'm personally skeptical that any of this out of state BS is actually enforceable (the same way that even though fireworks are illegal in Massachusetts, the state can't stop residents from buying them in New Hampshire--states don't have jurisdiction outside of their territory).
@moses199 Oklahoma is doing the same thing as Texas. I believe there around 20 ‘trigger laws’ across states that will go into effect to limit abortion the moment RvW is overturned

Edit- I don’t think most of them address out of state procedures at this time
@wayofthepromise I woke up to this news this morning. I still feel like it hasn't fully sunk in. I live in Massachusetts. Abortion is and I am confident will remain legal here. I am fairly sure it would even be covered by insurance and either my ob/gyn or another doctor in her office could perform it if necessary. I'm still more anxious about getting my IUD out in December than I was and I'm worried about all the women who don't have options (or at least not safe ones). Women will die in states that ban abortions because of this ruling.
@wayofthepromise This post is a little older, but still applies to my story. When I got off the HBC pill, (I was actually pulled off due to migraines with auras) my MD said, “so what do you plan to do in terms of avoiding pregnancy, or do you want to start trying?” I told her I would practice FAM. She went on to say “in this political climate, I would really love you and your husband to get genetic tests/traits that could be passed on. We are in the south, your options aren’t very wide at 20 weeks when you have the anatomy scan and if we find something wrong, we don’t have options like we did before.” It was horrible to see her explain and understand how sad she was. It was around 1 month after roe was overturned. It was a heavy moment between my doctor and I because we both looked at each other and we were both so sad. During the appointment, I told her I was a nurse, and I feel like the medical profession is absolutely devastated, and then us just being women adds another layer of devastation. I just wanted to get that off my chest. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that day.

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