I just feel sick

@wayofthepromise I’m Canadian and I just think it’s wild the massive lack of thought that goes into pushing laws forward like this. My heart aches for you women. It sucks because what happens down south influences us here and there are too many people in Canada that are “anti-left” that also all of a sudden believe in these kind of thought processes. Like - you all have to pay out of pocket for everything! There’s insurance for some people, but what will lower income families do if there’s a child with down syndrome, genetic defects, is born disabled etc? Like you CAN’T just do this without any proper healthcare system and with no financial support for these people! Nevermind the foster care system that’s already overwhelmed - how is that going to go!? It’s such a war on women. It’s disgusting. I’m so sorry for all you American ladies for the struggle that it is to live through this.
@inhisserenity I’m Canadian living in the US and I’ve told my partner I flat out refuse to raise a child in a country that doesn’t value health, or the rights of women and minority groups. Our long term plan is to find jobs that would allow us to move to BC (where my family is)

I’m not saying Canada’s perfect - because it’s not. Just look at the treatment of Indigenous people, or the fact that the PPC managed to get 5% of the vote last election, or how the CPC has decided to embrace the far right.

But it’s better than whatever the fuck is going on in the US right now.
@wayofthepromise The only thing that stopped my anxiety over not having a period anymore with Mirena was having my gyno walk me through the steps to access an abortion if I did end up pregnant.

I'm in California, but the next step conservatives have their eye on is almost certainly a national ban. How long until that happens?
@wayofthepromise And maybe even worse: the children from unwanted pregnancies will have it so so so hard. There will be no social support for these children & mothers because it’s not about “saving babies” it’s about controlling women.

I’ve been on the verge of angry tears all morning. I used to want 3 children, then it changed to 2. Now, I can only BARELY imagine bringing one child into this world and I mourn for her freedom and rights if it’s a girl…
@gusrebound They would only be able to do this with a 60 seat majority in the senate because if they have anything less than that, the filibuster comes into play. Which is why the democrats haven’t been able to get anything done, because they don’t have 60 seats.
@gusrebound That’s a fair point.

ETA: and to that point, the absolute most important thing we can do is VOTE. And encourage friends to vote. Don’t let your friends sit this out. It’s exhausting and feels useless but it’s more important than ever to actually get out and vote.
@gusrebound There is absolutely no possible way Joe Manchin is going to be swayed. There is zero political benefit for him to do so. He is pretty popular in WV and his state will likely never elect another democrat. It is far more beneficial to focus on maintaining our current elected officials this fall and adding two more democrats so we don’t have to sway and put pressure on Manchin because it just isn’t going to work. And what is even more important that national elections are local elections, starting with your school board. Every single election matters. Donating to groups is extremely important, but elected officials are the ones driving the bus.
@wayofthepromise It was one thing to not have paid maternity leave & to know that I’m 3x-4x more likely to die in child birth. But now knowing that I’ll probably won’t have access to abortions in my state because the governor they voted for ran on crt boogeyman bs so of course got elected & will happily restrict a woman’s right to choose. I’m seriously considering just going child free. I wanted a kid so badly but now it feels I’m deliberately putting my life in danger.
@dbog This. I'm supposed to meet with my doctor Monday to discuss getting my IUD out and now I'm having second thoughts. I'm married and this would be a very wanted pregnancy, but I know that there are always risks involved even though I am young (27) and active. I should be able to abort if there is something medically wrong that would jeopardize my life or the babies life.
@lesimpk Same, I’m young, healthy, and even more active now. I wanted to be my healthiest self before getting pregnant. But now our plan for trying is temporarily on hold due to this. I’m just sad above all else.
@wayofthepromise Can someone ELI5 how these “draft opinions” work? One article I read made it out to seem like these drafts happen often and it just circulates between the judges and that’s usually it, that it’s just a judge trying to get his/her opinion across to other judges in an official manner. But considering how everyone is freaking out about it I feel like it’s not that simple…
@gushik Usually, members will discuss thoughts and leanings and know which way the court will ultimately side on for a ruling. Usually, one justice from the majority and one from the minority will write up an explanation. Other justices can also write their own to have a chance to say their piece individually. You don't usually see breaches like this because court secrecy before an opinion is released is taken very seriously. But like any other paper someone would write, you dont publish the first draft. There can be other deliberations that can technically change a justice's mind before the final vote between them is due. However, that is very unlikely here since the one conservative who would be likely to side with the liberals still would leave a 5 person majority conservative ruling.

Lmk if any of that didnt make sense!
@wayofthepromise I am so heartbroken as well. I live in a protected state but my heart breaks for those who don’t. I work in the birth world and I cannot tell you how distraught our industry is right now. Time to fight for our lives, ladies.

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