I just feel sick

@wayofthepromise I'm with you. I'm scared if I need to have an abortion because my baby has genetic abnormalities not detected until a couple of weeks in or because he or she died in the womb but my body hasn't expelled the fetus, that I'll die of sepsis or that I'll give birth to a child who will only suffer. I think I want to be a mother, but I don't want me or my future children to suffer because of these asinine, unscientific laws.
@wayofthepromise I could hardly sleep last night. There was a woman jailed in Texas just a few weeks ago for "self induced abortion"--it was a miscarriage. Anyone who believes this can't affect you if you don't want an abortion is mistaken.
@wayofthepromise I've got a lot of emotions about the possibility of getting pregnant this year, in a red state. Do I think I, a cis white middle class woman, am at risk of being jailed if I have a miscarriage? No, not really. And I can make it to a blue state if I need an abortion, God forbid. It just sucks so hard that this is where we're at. As much as I want to be pregnant and have a child, the more I have learned about pregnancy the more ardently pro-choice I am. My heart hurts.
@wayofthepromise Tbh, our politics /society is why I’m still on the fence about trying anytime soon. I know having kids is the “ultimate act of hope” or whatever but I can still have hope without forcing other people to experience this too. Idk. I’m spiraling. I tried to explain this to my SO this morning and just ended up crying. He, of course, doesn’t get it bc we live in a blue state. I don’t even know what to feel anymore. I’m so tired.
@david1975 My tears are for every woman, even though I am safe (for now) with a state constitution that recognizes the right to an abortion. It’s the millions of women who don’t live where I do, or have less money, or have a kid already, or can’t take the time off work to drive or fly states away
@wayofthepromise Exactly- my tears are 100% frustration and fear. I can’t do anything substantial for those women or future forced-birth kids. I can’t do anything about Susan Collins. I can’t do anything about Coney-Barrett. I can’t do anything about gerrymandered states. I have to live in this world but I feel like I have no real power to do anything substantial to shape it. I vote, I donate, I sign petitions, I try to educate others, I try to support policies that don’t perpetuate classism, sexism, racism, w/e. These are nothing compared to what Mitch McConnell can do. I know I sound so pessimistic but what else is there for me to do? Wait for boomers to die lol?

Can someone please be my therapist for a moment and provide a different perspective here? My thoughts are stuck.
@david1975 Hi there! I know all of the feelings you're describing, including the hopelessness and the not knowing if I should have kids now (or ever) in this political landscape. I've felt and am feeling them all too. As an individual I feel like I have no agency. But don't forget that we are part of a collective, and together we are strong! Right now there are thousands, millions of other people reading this same article and feeling the same way as you. When we come together, we can both enact great change unto those who think they have the power to decide for us, and we can support each other and give each other what we need. We are powerful!