I have missed my periods by 2 months


New member
I have missed my period by 2 Months now and I'm stressed

3 months ago I took emergency pills and got my periods normally but the next month I got cramps and discharge but no periods and I did some tests which came negative but this month too I haven't got my periods I'm getting cramps I also did USG but it came out pretty normal. I shouldn't be stressed but the thing is after taking the pill and getting periods I had sx again but he didn't finish (he had pre cm it's lube ig) but they say there are chances of getting pregnant from it too so I'm not sure what to do should I run some blood tests?
@cindyrella Unprotected sex always poses a risk of pregnancy. A test is accurate two weeks after sex and definitive after three. Consider seeing a doctor about your missing period and use condoms if you don’t want to get pregnant.
@cindyrella i’m pretty sure emergency pills can mess with your cycle so maybe that’s your problem but i would go see a doctor just to make sure everything is alright. when i took an emergency pill it definitely messed my cycle up.