I feel like I need some sense talked into me

Oh, and keep walking daily! I truly believe if you keep walking that you’ll be able to easily return to strength and running postpartum (after the fourth trimester!).

Visit a pelvic pt to do push prep. Start your perineal massage. Do the miles circuit. All of these suggestions are “fitness” at this point in your journey.

It’s truly a mental game in the third trimester. Stay focused and relaxed. You got this!!
@madamimadaminchrist Are you still working? I hit an absolute wall around that time too and previous to that had a very active pregnancy. Just try and take it day by day. Prioritise sleep and making sure you feel well. How’s your immune system? I got a pretty nasty virus around that time too. But it doesn’t mean your fit pregnancy is over, you’ve done so much hard work which will hold you in amazing stead for birth. And I found I got a second wind once I stopped working at 36 weeks. I got a lot more energy back and was able to resume morning walks and some light resistance training at home right till the end.
@eb63067 I’m not, I stopped working at 25 weeks. So when I don’t go to the gym, it feels like I’m really just wasting the day because I don’t have much else going on! My 9 year old is in school and very self sufficient when home. So I don’t have much else to do in a day, haha.
@madamimadaminchrist Totally get that! Is there a list of things you would like to get done before baby gets here? Maybe focusing on ticking some other boxes might be helpful - even if it’s just finishing a book or making sure you have a well stocked pantry. Are you going to keep up your gym membership up to and following the birth? I cancelled mine in the third trimester as I knew I was having a cesarean so wouldn’t use it for a couple months after the baby and I felt like I was too big to be there when I was heavily pregnant 🤣 there are some YouTube videos you can do at home for pelvic floor etc, could you do 10 mins of those some days just so you feel like you’ve done something? Peloton has some good pre natal strength classes too.
@nj123 I’m a nanny and my job ended this past September when the kids were both finally in school full time. I couldn’t find a temp position to get me through December, and nobody wants to hire you for a permanent position knowing you need maternity leave. That’s not really a thing in this field, unfortunately, because people need uninterrupted childcare.
@madamimadaminchrist Just wanted to chime on here with an update since I was "complaining" about being "lazy" on Monday. I pushed through this week and I feel like absolutely sh!t. I just had a workout that left me feeling depleted and nauseous and dizzy. The baby is banging around feeling upset.

Don't be like me. We're super preggers. Rest.
@madamimadaminchrist I think the same principles of rest while not pregnant apply while pregnant - just way amplified. If you don't take a break, you won't recover and might be even more run down. Take a break when your body tells you to so you can be back at it (within reason) when you feel up to it.
@madamimadaminchrist I feel this in my soul. You’re 33 weeks pregnant and no matter what you’re doing amazing just by helping this little baby grow inside you! You’ve been able to stay consistent up until now which is awesome and at this point you’re soooo close to the end. If you need to start pulling back now it will only be for a few more weeks.

My wake up call was forcing myself to do a Peloton workout last week and being sooo sick after. I knew I was exhausted and nauseous and really needed rest, but I was feeling bad about my body and food choices so I forced myself to workout anyways. I felt even worse after the workout and honestly it probably wasn’t even that effective. At that point I decided it was time to start focusing on what my body is telling me it needs instead of what my brain thinks it needs. On the days when I’m craving movement but am feeling wiped out I’m just going to try some gentle prenatal yoga or maybe a very short walk. I lowered my calorie and fitness goals on my Apple Watch so I’d stop feeling bad when I couldn’t meet my pre-pregnancy goals. I’ve also ordered a bunch of stuff from Amazon for at home self-care. Up until now cycling, bootcamping, lifting, etc have been my main way of working through my stress and anxieties. I’m still hoping to get some good workouts in every week but I’m also going to start doing facials and hair masks and things like that at home.
@hanneke I stopped wearing my Apple Watch for this reason. I put it on for walks and workouts so I can track my heart rate, but the rest of the day I don’t wear it so I’m not tempted to try to meet the other fitness goals or close all my rings.
@madamimadaminchrist I also want to add that the way we talk to ourselves has an impact on how our kids will perceive themselves…when I’m tired I think: I need to slow down and show my body the love it needs right now so later my kid will know how to do the same for itself. hope that make sense🫶🏼
@madamimadaminchrist I'm def struggling with this today. Also 33 weeks. And getting a c-section exactly a month from today. And possibly looking for/ moving into a new apartment in that time? Don't want to work out after walking to see properties all day long 😞

Debating if I can even make it to restorative yoga at 8pm.
@madamimadaminchrist I think that’s right around when I felt extreme fatigue too. I didn’t work out for a few days, then got a burst of energy again and lifted until 9 days past my due date, with a pretty intense leg workout 2 days before I went into labor. Take the rest right now, it’s your body telling you that you need it.
@madamimadaminchrist I had the very same thing and around the same time I hit a huge wall! I worked out 6 days a week and walked everyday for the entire pregnancy but around this time I just felt like I’d been hit by a tonne of bricks. In saying that, it was only about a week of fatigue and then I was able to get back on to at least 5 days a week with walks until 40+4. I know how you feel because if I don’t work out (I am by NO means slim and lean) I feel like I’m huuuuge and body dysmorphia kicks in to ruin my day. Hopefully you’re experience is similar and your energy picks back up after this rough patch like mine and you can get back to what makes you feel good :)
@madamimadaminchrist Thank you for sharing this. From my experience, women are often mislead about the mental shifts that occur during pregnancy and how they feel about their body. If you were my client, I would ask: what the consistency of lifting 6 days and steps means to you? What does it mean when you say I ate poorly? What kind of value and story does this bring into yourself?

At this point, there's usually a deeper message we as women tell ourselves. Now, turning that around and asking: how would I talk to my best friend if she was experiencing this uncomfortable time?

You have plenty of encouragement, which is beautiful. As other comments have mentioned, there is a long term game being played here with how you prepare your body now and focusing on this discomfort you feel within yourself. This may be a challenging, but exploratory opportunity, for you to focus on the mental aspects of this phase of your life.
@madamimadaminchrist I’m 7weeks postpartum. My biggest regret while pregnant was never taking a day off.

I just couldn’t “let go” of who I was prior to pregnancy. Ended up with plantar fasciitis at one point mid pregnancy and then diagnosed with SI Joint Dysfunction in the last four weeks (not a doctor but I suspect I was overdoing it by being a bit of an idiot hah 🫠)

I would kill for rest now… and yes, I was “resting” for 6 weeks per doctor’s order until I was cleared Monday at my check up, however, having a child is taxing AF.

Last thing I’ll say- vaginal delivery was the most intense core/body workout I’ve ever done. I was a fool and Peloton-cycled 10 hours before my induction. Pushed for two hours which my understanding isn’t even “that long” for:
  1. A FTM
  2. An induction
TLDR: Don’t be like me and feel obligated to workout every day